Austria - Bibliography

Chapter 1

Barker, Elisabeth. Austria, 1918-1972. Coral Gables,
     Florida: University of Miami Press, 1973.

Bridge, F.R. The Habsburg Monarchy among the Great Powers,
     1815-1918. New York: Berg, 1990.

Evans, Robert John Weston. The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy,
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------. Modern Austria: Empire and Republic, 1815-1986.
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Johnson, Lonnie. Introducing Austria: A Short History.
     Riverside, California: Ariadne Press, 1989.

Kann, Robert A. A History of the Habsburg Empire,
     1526-1918. Berkeley: University of California Press,

Leeper, Alexander Wigram Allen. A History of Medieval
     Austria. London: Oxford University Press, 1941.

Low, Alfred D. The Anschluss Movement, 1918-1938: Background
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     Austrian Nationalism. New York: Garland, 1984.

Luza, Radomir. Austro-German Relations in the Anschluss
     Era. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975.

------. The Resistance in Austria, 1938-1945. Minneapolis:
     University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

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     London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968.

Reinerman, Alan J. Austria and the Papacy in the Age of
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     America Press, 1979.

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     London: Routlege, 1990.

------. Continuity and Change in Austrian Socialism: The
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     European Monographs, 1982.

Tapié, Victor Lucien. The Rise and Fall of the Habsburg
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Vexler, Robert I. Austria: A Chronology and Fact Book,
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Ward, David. 1848: The Fall of Metternich and the Year of
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     First World War. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.

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Chapter 2

Austria. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs.
     Survey of the Austrian Economy, 92-93: The Austrian
     Economy and Its International Position in Data, Diagrams, and
     Tables. Vienna: 1992.

------. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs. Survey
     of the Austrian Economy, 93-94: The Austrian Economy and Its
     International Position in Data, Diagrams, and Tables.
     Vienna: 1993.

------. Bundeskammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte. Wirtschafts-
     und Sozialstatistisches Taschenbuch, 1992. Vienna: 1992.

------. Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes und
     Ministerium für Erziehung, Kunst, und Sport. Österreicher
     und der Zweite Weltkrieg. Vienna: Österreichischer
     Bundesverlag, 1989.

------. Federal Press Service. Austria: Facts and Figures.
     Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. Austria and the New
     Emigration. Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. The Austrian Educational
     System. Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. Burden Sharing: Austria's
     Contribution to International Solidarity. Vienna: 1991.

------. Federal Press Service. The First Republic,
     1918-1938. Vienna: 1988.

------. Federal Press Service. Jewish Life in Austria.
     Vienna: 1992.

------. Federal Press Service. The Rational Approach to Labour
     and Industry. Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. Religions in Austria.
     Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. Social Security in Austria.
     Vienna: 1988.

------. Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung.
     Hochschulbericht, 1990. Vienna: 1990.

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------. Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung. Zur
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------. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Austrian Foreign Policy
     Yearbook, 1991. Vienna: 1991.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
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     Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
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------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
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     1992. Vienna: 1992.

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     1993. Vienna: 1993.

------. Staatssekretariat für allgemeine Frauenfragen,
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     Vienna: 1985.

------. Staatssekretariat für allgemeine Frauenfragen,
     Bundeskanzleramt. Frauen in Österreich, 1985-90.
     Vienna: 1990.

Baratta, Mario von (ed.). Der Fischer Weltalmanach, 1994.
     Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993.

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     Austria, Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt,
     Sozialstatistische Daten, 1990. (Beiträge zur
     Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

Dallinger, Alfred. "Social Security in Austria." Pages 197-204 in
     Jim Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A
     Study in Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom:
     Avebury, 1988.

Dungler, Herta, and Wilhelm Janik. "Wohnen." Pages 323-50 in
     Austria, Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt,
     Sozialstatistische Daten, 1990. (Beiträge zur
     Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

Fassmann, Heinz. "Einwanderung, Auswanderung, und Binnenwanderung
     in Österreich-Ungarn um 1910." Pages 92-101 in Heinz Fassmann
     et al. (eds.), Demographische Informationen, 1990-
     91. Vienna: Institut für Demographie, Österreichische
     Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991.

Fassmann, Heinz, and Rainer Münz. "Einwanderungsland Österreich?"
     Pages 85-91 in Heinz Fassmann et al. (eds.),
     Demographische Informationen, 1990-91. Vienna:
     Institut für Demographie, Österreichische Akademie der
     Wissenschaften, 1991.

Filla, Wilhelm. "National Minorities in Austria." Pages 250-55 in
     Jim Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A
     Study in Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom:
     Avebury, 1988.

Findl, Peter. "Ehe, Familie, Haushalt." Pages 43-76 in Austria,
     Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt,
     Sozialstatistische Daten, 1990. (Beiträge zur
     Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

Fitzmaurice, John. Austrian Politics and Society Today: In
     Defence of Austria. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Fraser, Angus. The Gypsies. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.

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     Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt,
     Sozialstatistische Daten, 1990. (Beiträge zur
     Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

Heiler, Bernhard, and Friedrich Nitsch. "Schulwesen, Bildung."
     Pages 101-33 in Austria, Österreichisches Statistisches
     Zentralamt, Sozialstatistische Daten, 1990. (Beiträge
     zur Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.) Vienna: 1990.

Johnson, Lonnie. Introducing Austria: A Short History.
     Riverside, California: Ariadne Press, 1989.

Karmasin, Fritz. Austrian Attitudes Toward Jews, Israel, and
     the Holocaust. (Working Papers on Contemporary
     Anti-Semitism.) New York: American Jewish Committee, 1992.

Leitner, Helga. "Demography and Population Problems." Pages 75-98
     in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern Austria. Palo Alto,
     California: Society for the Promotion of Science and
     Scholarship, 1981.

März, Eduard. "Austria's Economic Development: 1945-85." Pages
     27-46 in Jim Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.),
     Austria: A Study in Modern Achievement. Aldershot,
     United Kingdom: Avebury, 1988.

Mayerhofer, Claudia. Dorfzigeuner: Kultur und Geschichte der
     Burgenland-Roma von der Ersten Republik bis sur
     Gegenwart. Vienna: Picus Verlag, 1987.

Moritz, Herbert. "Education in Austria." Pages 217-25 in Jim
     Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A Study in
     Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Avebury,

Neyer, Gerda. "Alleinerziehende in Österreich." Pages 68-73 in
     Heinz Fassmann et al. (eds.), Demographische
     Informationen, 1990-91. Vienna: Institut für Demographie,
     Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991.

Pauley, Bruce. From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of
     Austrian Anti-Semitism. Chapel Hill: University of North
     Carolina Press, 1992.

Population Crisis Committee. "The International Human Suffering
     Index." Washington: 1992

Stadler, Karl. Austria. (Nations of the Modern World
     Series.) New York: Praeger, 1971.

Steger, Gerhard. "The Churches and Politics." Pages 250-54 in Jim
     Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A Study in
     Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Avebury,

Steiner, Kurt. "Education and Educational Policy." Pages 321-34 in
     Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern Austria. Palo Alto,
     California: Society for the Promotion of Science and
     Scholarship, 1981.

------. "Higher Education." Pages 335-44 in Kurt Steiner (ed.),
     Modern Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society for
     the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Steiner, Kurt (ed.). Modern Austria. Palo Alto,
     California: Society for the Promotion of Science and
     Scholarship, 1981.

Stojka, Ceija. Wir leben im Verborgenen: Erinnerungen einer
     Rom- Zigeunerin. Vienna: Picus Verlag, 1989.

Stourzh, Gerald. Vom Reich zur Republik: Studien zum
     Österreichischbewusstsein im 20. Jahrhundert. Vienna:
     Edition Atelier, 1990.

Strasser, Rudolf. "Social Policy Since 1945: Democracy and the
     Welfare State." Pages 301-20 in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern
     Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society for the Promotion
     of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Sweeney, Jim, and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.). Austria: A Study
     in Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom:
     Avebury, 1988.

Tomasevic, Nebojsa. Gypsies of the World. New York: H.
     Holt, 1988.

United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human
     Rights Practices for 1993. (Report submitted to United
     States Congress, 103d, 2d Session, House of Representatives,
     Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Senate, Committee on Foreign
     Relations.) Washington: GPO, 1994.

Vollman, Kurt, and Eva Dragosits. "Einkommen, materieller
     Lebensstandard." Pages 187-234 in Austria, Österreichisches
     Statistisches Zentralamt, Sozialstatistische Daten,
     1990. (Beiträge zur Österreichischen Statistik, No. 967.)
     Vienna: 1990.

Weinzierl, Erika. "Religions and Their Relations to State and
     Parties." Pages 99-122 in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern
     Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society for the Promotion
     of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Welpton, Eric. The Austrians: How They Live and Work.
     London: David and Charles, 1970.

Wohlschlägl, Helmut. "Austria: Landscape and Regional Structure."
     Pages 23-74 in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern Austria.
     Palo Alto, California: Society for the Promotion of Science
     and Scholarship, 1981.

Wright, William E. (ed.). Austria since 1945. Minneapolis:
     Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, 1982.

Chapter 3

Arndt, Sven W. Political Economy of Austria. Washington:
     American Enterprise Institute, 1982.

Austria. Austria Documentation. Austria for Investors: General
     Information. Vienna: Federal Press Service, 1990.

------. Austria Documentation. The Rational Approach to Labor
     and Industry. Vienna: Federal Press Service, 1990.

------. Austrian Information Service. Austria: Selected
     Economic Data. Vienna: Bundeswirtschaftskammer, 1992.

------. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs. Survey
     of the Austrian Economy, 91-92: The Austrian Economy and Its
     International Position in Data, Diagrams, and Tables.
     Vienna: 1991.

------. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs. Survey
     of the Austrian Economy, 92-93: The Austrian Economy and Its
     International Position in Data, Diagrams, and Tables.
     Vienna: 1992.

------. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs. Survey
     of the Austrian Economy, 93-94: The Austrian Economy and Its
     International Position in Data, Diagrams, and Tables.
     Vienna: 1993.

------. Austrian Museum for Economic and Social Affairs. Survey
     of the Austrian Economy, 94-95: The Austrian Economy and Its
     International Position in Data, Diagrams, and Tables.
     Vienna: 1994.

------. Bundeskammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft. "Bundessektion
     Geld-, Kredit-, und Versicherungswesen." Pages 61-73, 235-51
     in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Wirtschaft, 1990.
     Vienna: Ungar, 1991.

------. Bundeskammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft. "Bundessektion
     Handel." Pages 225-34 in Jahrbuch der Österreichischen
     Wirtschaft, 1990. Vienna: Ungar, 1991.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
     Statistisches Handbuch für die Republik Österreich,
     1972. Vienna: 1972.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
     Statistisches Handbuch für die Republik Österreich,
     1982. Vienna: 1982.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
     Statistisches Handbuch für die Republik Österreich,
     1991. Vienna: 1991.

------. Österreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt.
     Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Republik Österreich,
     1992. Vienna: 1992.

Baratta, Mario von (ed.). Der Fischer Weltalmanach, 1994.
     Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993.

Butschek, Felix. "EC Membership and the `Velvet' Revolution: The
     Impact of Recent Political Changes on Austria's Economic
     Position in Europe." Pages 62-80 in Günter Bischof and Anton
     Pelinka (eds.), Austria in the New Europe.
     (Contemporary Austrian Studies, No. 1.) New Brunswick, New
     Jersey: Transaction Books, 1993.

The Europa World Year Book, 1993, 1. London: Europa, 1993.

Gruenwald, Oskar. "The Political Economy of Austria."
     Pages 150-55 in Sven W. Arndt (ed.), Austrian Industrial
     Structure and Industrial Policy. Washington: American
     Enterprise Institute, 1982.

Haschek, Helmut H. "Trade, Trade Finance, and the Austrian
     Economy." Pages 176-98 in Sven W. Arndt (ed.), Austrian
     Industrial Structure and Industrial Policy. Washington:
     American Enterprise Institute, 1982.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD
     Economic Surveys: Austria (annuals 1972 and 1981-1982
     through 1992-1993). Paris: 1972 and 1982-93.

Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung. "Kennzahlen zur
     Konjunkturlage der Industriebranchen," WIFO
     Monatsbericht [Vienna], April 1992, 5, 25, 164-70, 178,

Stankovsky, Jan. Der Aussenhandel Österreichs: Entwicklung und
     Struktur. Vienna: Bundeswirtschaftsakademie, 1990.

Starik, W. "Die Österreichische Energieversorgung--Bisherige
     Entwicklung und Perspektiven," Österreichische Zeitschrift
     für Elektrizitätswirtschaft [Vienna], August, 1991,

Sweeney, Jim, and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.). Austria: A Study
     in Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom:
     Avebury, 1988.

Traxler, Franz. "Austria: Still the Country of Corporatism." Pages
     270-97 in Anthony Ferner and Richard Hyman (eds.),
     Industrial Relations in the New Europe. Oxford:
     Blackwell, 1992.

   (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: Austria Today [Vienna];
Economist [London]; Economist Intelligence Unit,
Country Profile: Austria [London] and Country Report:
Austria [London]; Financial Times [London]; Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: West Europe;
Handelsblatt [Düsseldorf]; Österreichisches Institute für
Wirtschaftsforschung, Statistische Übersichten [Vienna];
and Trend [Vienna].)

Chapter 4

Austria. Federal Press Service. The Mass Media in Austria.
     Vienna: 1990.

------. Federal Press Service. The Political System in
     Austria. Vienna: 1987.

Bischof, Günter, and Anton Pelinka (eds.). Austria in the New
     Europe. (Contemporary Austrian Studies, No. 1.) New
     Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1993.

Dyk, Irene. "The Austrian People's Party." Pages 67-81 in Jim
     Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A Study in
     Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Avebury,

The Europa World Year Book, 1993, 1. London: Europa, 1993.

Fabris, Heinz. "The Media." Pages 236-44 in Jim Sweeney and Josef
     Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A Study in Modern
     Achievement. Aldershot, United Kindgdom: Avebury, 1988.

Feichtlbauer, Hubert. "The Media." Pages 279-300 in Kurt Steiner
     (ed.), Modern Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society
     for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Fellner, Fritz. "The Genesis of the Austrian Republic." Pages 1-22
     in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern Austria. Palo Alto,
     California: Society for the Promotion of Science and
     Scholarship, 1981.

Fischer, Heinz. "Das Parlament." Pages 96-117 in Handbuch des
     politischen Systems Österreichs, eds., Herbert Dachs et
     al. Vienna: Manz, 1991.

------. "Die Reform der nationalratswahlordnung, 1992." Pages
     341-60, in Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik,
     1992, eds., Andreas Khol, Günther Ofner, and Alfred
     Stirnemann. Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1993.

Fitzmaurice, John. Austrian Politics and Society Today: In
     Defence of Austria. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Flanz, Gisbert H., and Peter Knize. "Austria." Pages 1-133 in
     Albert P. Blaustein and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.),
     Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs
     Ferry, New York: Oceana, 1985.

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     Arbeit im Österreichischen Nationalrat." Pages 723-56 in
     Herbert Schambeck (ed.), Österreichs Parlamentarismus:
     Werden und System. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1986.

Gerlich, Peter. "Government Structure: The Principles of
     Government." Pages 209-22 in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern
     Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society for the Promotion
     of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Haerpfer, Christian. "Austria: The 'United Greens' and the
     'Alternative List/Green Alternative'." Pages 23-38 in
     Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (ed.), New Politics in Western
     Europe: The Rise and Success of Green Parties and Alternative
     Lists. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1989.

Handbuch des politischen Systems Österreichs. (Eds.,
     Herbert Dachs et al.) Vienna: Manz, 1991.

Klose, Alfred. Machtstrukturen in Österreich. Vienna:
     Signum, 1987.

Kneucker, Raoul F. "Public Administration: The Business of
     Government." Pages 261-78 in Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern
     Austria. Palo Alto, California: Society for the Promotion
     of Science and Scholarship, 1981.

Kostelka, Peter, and Ralf Unkart. "Vom Stellenwert des Federalismus
     in Österreich." Pages 337-60 in Heinz Fischer (ed.), Das
     politische System Österreichs. Vienna: Manz, 1991.

Kramer, Helmut. "Strukturentwicklung der Aussenpolitik: 1945-1990."
     Pages 637-57 in Handbuch des politischen Systems
     Österreichs, eds., Herbert Dachs et al. Vienna: Manz,

Luif, Paul. "Austrian Neutrality and the Europe of 1992." Pages
     19-41 in Günter Bischof and Anton Pelinka (eds.), Austria
     in the New Europe. (Contemporary Austrian Studies, No.
     1.) New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1993.

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     System." Pages 45-98 in Kurt Richard Luther and Wolfgang C.
     Müller (eds.), Politics in Austria: Still a Case of
     Consociationalism? London: Frank Cass, 1992.

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     and the Austrian Political System." Pages 1-15 in Kurt Richard
     Luther and Wolfgang C. Müller (eds.), Politics in Austria:
     Still a Case of Consociationalism? London: Frank Cass,

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     in Austria: Still a Case of Consociationalism? London:
     Frank Cass, 1977.

Mitten, Richard. The Politics of Antisemitic Prejudice: The
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     Westview Press, 1992.

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     Matter?" Pages 99-131 in Kurt Richard Luther and Wolfgang C.
     Müller (eds.), Politics in Austria: Still a Case of
     Consociationalism? London: Frank Cass, 1992.

Neuhofer, Hans. "Gemeinden." Pages 774-84 in Handbuch des
     politischen Systems Österreichs, eds., Herbert Dachs et
     al. Vienna: Manz, 1991.

Nick, Rainer, and Anton Pelinka. Österreichs politische
     Landschaft. Innsbruck: Haymon Verlag, 1993.

------. Parlamentarismus in Österreich. Vienna: Jugend und
     Volk, 1984.

Nick, Rainer, and Sieghard Viertler. "Survey of Austrian Politics."
     Pages 193-210 in Günter Bischof and Anton Pelinka (eds.),
     Austria in the New Europe. (Contemporary Austrian
     Studies, No. 1.) New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books,

Neisser, Heinrich. "Die Reform der Nationalratswahlordnung." Pages
     361-85 in Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik,
     1992, eds., Andreas Khol, Günther Ofner, and Alfred
     Stirnemann. Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1993.

Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik, 1992. (Eds.,
     Andreas Kohl, Gunther Ofner, and Alfred Stirnemann.) Vienna:
     Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, 1993.

Pelinka, Anton. "The Peculiarities of Politics in Austria: The
     Constitution, Federalism, Parliamentary and Social Democracy."
     Pages 47-54 in Jim Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.),
     Austria: A Study in Modern Achievement. Aldershot,
     United Kingdom: Avebury, 1988.

Prisching, Manfred. "The Transformation of Austria in the Context
     of New Europe." Pages 81-106 in Günter Bischof and Anton
     Pelinka (eds.), Austria in the New Europe.
     (Contemporary Austrian Studies, No. 1.) New Brunswick, New
     Jersey: Transaction Books, 1993.

Quendler, Franz. "Österreich in internationalen Organisationen."
     Pages 705-18 in Handbuch des politischen Systems
     Österreichs, eds., Herbert Dachs et al. Vienna: Manz,

Steiner, Kurt (ed.). Modern Austria. Palo Alto,
     California: Society for the Promotion of Science and
     Scholarship, 1981.

Stuhlpfarrer, Karl. Austria: Permanently Neutral--Austrian
     Foreign Policy since 1945. Vienna: Federal Press Service,

 Sully, Melanie A. A Contemporary History of Austria.
     London: Routledge, 1990.

------. Political Parties and Elections in Austria.
     London: C. Hurst, 1981.

Sweeney, Jim, and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.). Austria: A Study
     in Modern Achievement. Aldershot, United Kingdom:
     Avebury, 1988.

Weidenholzer, Josef. Der österreichische Weg: Einsichten und
     Aussichten. Vienna: Zimmermann und Karrer, 1989.

Wicha, Barbara. "Parteienfinanzierung in Österreich." Pages 489-526
     in Anton Pelinka and Fritz Plasser (eds.), Das
     österreichische Parteiensystem. Vienna: Bohlau, 1988.

Widder, Helmut. "Der Nationalrat." Pages 261-336 in Herbert
     Schambeck (ed.), Österreichs Parlamentarismus: Werden und
     System. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1986.

   (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in
the preparation of this chapter: DMS Market Intelligent
Report; Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report:
Portugal [London]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service,
Daily Report: West Europe; Jane's Defence Weekly
[London]; New York Times; and Washington Post.)