The Samoas The Samoas guam indigenous people pacific ethnic studies
Guam People. Home. ... illustrated - From - Guam History, People and Culture __ A good overview of all three. ...

palau people pacific indigenous studies
Palau People. Home. ... palau/. Olekoi Palau __ "Olekoi Palau was created to share a love for the islands of Palau and their people. The ...

Pacific English
...the Samoas. Niue. ... Hybrid forms are those which combine a word from an indigenous language with an English ... nepotism, favouritism of people from one’s area. ...

Australia and the South Pacific : South Pacific : Introduction ...
Black Pearls: Few people will escape French Polynesia or ... mats made in Tonga and the Samoas are still ... New Zealand Maoris rather than figures indigenous to those ...

Philip Gibbs: Pearls in the Deep: Inculturation and Ecclesia in ...
1. The Samoas. 1. ... West Papuans crossing into the Papua New Guinea border provinces, Asian boat-people desperately seeking ... We have indigenous spiritualities as ...

Samoan Sensation - Samoa Films
Part 2: contrasts the various ways of life in the Samoas and the ... Samoa, purporting to demonstrate the cannabalistic activities of the indigenous people of the ...

Environmental Film Series- Film Descriptions
Through personal stories of Pacific Islanders in Kiribati, the Samoas, the atolls of Micronesia including the Marshall Islands, and ... Indigenous People Films. ...

...and Hainan, and also by the indigenous population of ... New Ireland area before moving out to people the Pacific ... they spread eastwards, first to the Samoas and the ...

'Eva - Your Guide to Tonga - No. 40, March-May 1998
...the rest of the kingdom, and they are actually closer to the Samoas to the ... The population of Eua is an interesting mix of the indigenous people and the people ...

Agroforestry in the Pacific islands: systems for sustainability
That the local people have already adopted the ... but emphasize the traditional or indigenous systems because we ... high oceanic islands such as the Samoas, the Cook ...

Pacific Studies WWW VL - Pacific Region (2)
Commercial site offering internet services, home of the Samoas Pages and ... Indigenous People's Global Caucus (NetWarriors, USA) [Indigenous Nations and Peoples ...

Reviews of books about samoa
James A. Bier's map of the Samoas many times to ... of romanticizing or essentializing the people as "ecologically ... so common in depictions of indigenous peoples in ...

iWon - Travel Guide - History & Culture include parts of Fiji, the Samoas, Tokelau and ... and honouring gods, chiefs, places and people. ... the archipelago, wiping out most indigenous spiritual beliefs ...

Travelocity Guides
...on uninhabited Alofi, are testament to the people's faith ... of the population, and most indigenous residents still ... lies midway between Fiji and the Samoas and has ...

Rising Waters | Bullfrog Films
For 7 million people living on thousands ... Locations include Kiribati, the Samoas, Hawai'i, the ... Global Issues Global Warming Indigenous Peoples Macrohistorical ...

South Pacific travel - Pacific islands books
...eight months on the road in Fiji, the Samoas, and Cook ... four months among the Typee people was followed ... illustrates the reluctance of many indigenous writers to ...

Travel Online > Travel Guide > South Pacific > Tonga
...gently smiling friendliness of Tonga’s handsome people. ... 177 degrees W. South of the Samoas and Southeast ... Traditional indigenous games have not been forgotten ...

Report on invasive plant species in the Cook Islands
...seeds are eaten and many people consider it ... ability to invade forests in the Samoas, this species ... orbiculare] (mÄ?tÄ?, rice grass (perhaps indigenous or early ...

...and Semiotics Law and the "People" State College ... 8-10, 1998 Fifth Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium ... countries, 565 km south of the Samoas in the ...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004
...the use of terminology in indigenous languages (eg ... in a format meaningful to people requesting information ... Customized climate forecasts for the Samoas because of ...

PPSEAWA International Bulletin - PPSEAWA's Associations at a ...
A Life Worth Living, Participation Across Cultures, Women and Indigenous Communities ... to inspire the direction and decision making skills of young people and to ...

Collection ORIGINS
...neither has a lagoon‚ while the people of Futuna ... Midway between Fiji and the Samoas‚ the group consists ... A large proportion of the indigenous population on ...

DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-192, December 7, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser ...
...more access to the media by the indigenous peoples ... not into "silly ball games" but lots of people are ... in Manu Samoa A Radio Visit To The Samoas - Adrian Peterson ...

Reviews of books about oceania
...shaped, and been shaped by indigenous and settler ... James A. Bier's map of the Samoas many times to ... beautiful Australian coastline, the memorable people they met ...

A Social History of Youth in Samoa: Religion, Capitalism, and ...
Young people were taught to "strive" in this system. ... 1 References to the "Samoas" represent the period after ... South Pacific with a fully indigenous ministry and ... - World Travel by Jade Travel Services began to move east into the Samoas and Tonga. ... than 50,000 years the Aboriginal people lived in ... and a fascinating cornucopia of indigenous wildlife, New ...

Geometry.Net - Basic_S: Samoa (western) Culture
The high volcanic islands of the Samoas have rugged interiors mostly ... Corporation Satirical film which ridicules the colonialization of indigenous people. ...

Geometry.Net - Basic_C: Cook Islands Culture
The indigenous people, commonly known as Cook Island Maoris, also share ... Location People Population Culture ... west by the kingdom of Tonga and the Samoas, and to ...

MSN Encarta - Print Preview - Pacific Islands
...oceanic islands in Polynesia include the Samoas, Tahiti and ... Indigenous Melanesian religious beliefs are based on spirit ... were kept from them by white people. ...

»»Reviews for Australia««
Indigenous People's Rights in Australia, Canada & New Zealand. ... to historical complexity in both indigenous narratives as ... an outstanding map of the Samoas. As the ...

The Fa'a Samoa, or traditional Samoan way, remains a strong force in Samoan life and politics. Despite centuries of European influence, Samoa maintains its historical customs, social systems, and language, which is believed to be the oldest form of Polynesian speech still in existence. Only the Maori of New Zealand outnumber the Samoans among Polynesian groups (though virtually no full-blooded Maori still exist).

98% of Samoans are Christians, divided among many different churches, among them Methodist, Latter Day Saints, Roman Catholic, and Seventh Day Adventists. Hardly any other religious group exists in Samoa, except for the Baha'is, which make up 2% of the population. The King of Samoa, King Malietoa Tanumafili, is a Baha'i.

Culture of Samoa

Samoans are typically friendly and welcoming people. They have a distinct culture in which they have great pride.

Samoans have a communal way of life with little privacy: they do all their activities together and even traditional fales (houses) have no walls, and just use blinds made of coconut leaves during the night or bad weather. Up to 20 people may sleep on the ground in the same fale; during the day the fale is used for chatting and relaxing. Family is viewed as in integral part of life. The aiga or extended family lives and works together. Elders in the family are greatly respected and hold the highest status, and this may be seen at a traditional Sunday umu (rock oven).

Sundays are traditionally a day of rest, and many families congregate to share an umu together for a Sunday afternoon meal. In a traditional household, the older members of the family will sit and eat first, and as the meal continues the younger members and then children are invited to eat. The umu contains an abundance and variety of dishes ranging from fresh seaweed and crayfish to baked taro and rice. Coconut appears in many Samoan dishes, for example palusami, a parcel of corned beef, breadfruit, onions, taro leaves wrapped in breadfruit leaves and coconut cream and baked in the umu. This is eaten in its entirety including the leaves, and is rich in taste due to its coconut content.

Samoa is a deeply religious country despite ancient Samoan culture being contrary to the Church's beliefs, for example, belief in aitu (spirits). Christianity is the main religion and there are many churches to be found around the islands, and are often full on Sundays.

Samoan handicrafts can be found at the craft market and some shops. These include the siapo (equivalent to the Fijian tapa) which is made from beaten mulberry bark, and then patterns or pictures are painted on with a natural brown dye. Examples of pictures depicted are: fish, turtles, hibiscus flowers. The siapo may be used for clothing, for wrapping objects and even simply for decorative reasons. Kava bowls are sturdy, round wooden bowls made of varying sizes, and have many short legs around it. Kava is made up with water in the bowl and drunk socially using coconut shells to scoop up the drink. It is a ground natural extract from the pepper plant root and is used for medicinal and slightly anaesthetic properties. Other handicrafts are fine mats, ornaments or jewellery and hair accessories using naturally occurring materials such as sea shells, coconut and coir.

The traditional Samoan dance is the Siva. This is similar to the Hawaiian dance, with gentle movements of the hands and feet in time to music and which tells a story. Other types of dance are modern dance by the younger generations, at bars or nightclubs.

Traditional Samoan medicine is often practised as a first-line before hospital medicine. This is a type of alternative medicine using plant leaves to massage the affected area.

The traditional ladies clothing is the puletasi which is a matching skirt and tunic with Samoan designs. The lava lava is a sarong which may be worn by men or women. They are of different patterns and colours, but tend to be plain for men who may wear it as part of an official uniform. Some men have intricate and geometrical patterns tattooed onto their lower body and upper legs. The tattooing process is performed without any anaesthesia and is said to be painful. The Samoas