Micronesia Micronesia The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George ...
Micronesia Zone! ... The Unofficial Vaturanga Home Page - Vaturanga People/Solomon Islands.

micronesian people oceanic social studies
Micronesia Human Rights __ Read about the rights of indigenous people in Micronesia.

palau people pacific indigenous studies
Islands opted for independence in 1978 rather than join the Federated States of

Culture - Federated States of Micronesia
AttireAlthough united as a country, the people are actually a ... language, and there

People - Federated States of Micronesia
...he people of the FSM are classified as Micronesians, although some inhabitants of

Federated States of Micronesia/People - encyclopedia article about ...
The indigenous population of the Federated States of Micronesia ... in the Federated

Indigenous people of Brazil - encyclopedia article about ...
...commonly used terms for these people are Native ... the various nations/tribes of indigenous

Indigenous People Issues
I have been and always will be a champion for indigenous people movements, especially

MapZones.com : Micronesia People
Micronesia, People, Back to Top. ... The indigenous population, which is predominantly

MapZones.com : Guatemala People
...differing between ladinos and indigenous people, between urban ... voting materials into

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > Indigenous People > ...
Oceania > Guam > Society and Culture (49) Regional > Oceania > Marshall Islands >

Micronesia, Federated States of People 1990 - Flags, Maps, Economy ...
...the Polynesian languages; major indigenous languages are ... government employees; 45,000

Micronesian Mythology
MICRONESIA MYTHOLOGY. ... visited Guam in 1521, the Chamorro, who were the indigenous

Yap: Federated States of Micronesia
...and are sparsely populated by a people different from ... Four indigenous languages are

Indigenous Knowledge: UNESCO Culture Sector
...further information, please visit our website Indigenous Peoples. ... Documentary film

GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Oceania - Micronesia, Federated States ...
GEOGRAPHY AND PEOPLE The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) consists of 607 ... The

Aboriginal and Other Indigenous People's Health
Aboriginal and Other Indigenous People's Health. ... used to search for this group of

Federated States of Micronesia - Atlapedia Online
...of the Federated States of Micronesia are broadly ... Most of the people consider themselves

VirtualTourist.com - Ekahau's Federated States of Micronesia ...
The People who live in the FSM are classified ... They speak eight major indigenous

Indigenous Issues
...shaping urban housing policies for its traditionally rural indigenous people. ...

Encyclopedia: Papua New Guinea/People
The non-Christian portion of the indigenous population practices a ... A strong attachment

Culture Gallery
...the continental United States, the more than 2,000 islands of Micronesia have a ... hence

However, it appears most likely the indigenous people of Australia arrived in successive

Conference Of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative ...
Human rights situation of indigenous people in states ... People expressed concern about

World Affairs: The rights of indigenous peoples and their fight ...
...free association (for example, the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands

Micronesia Information
...is PO Box 1286, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia 96941); telephone 691 ... PEOPLE.

Micronesia: Variations on Nature’s Theme For anyone who has never dived the ... and Papua

General Essay on Western Oceanian Religions
...goods would contribute to the liberation of oppressed indigenous people through

NativeWeb Resources: Aboriginal & Indigenous Nations
The Kingdom of EnenKio Atoll, Micronesia, 659. ... of Kenya, a discriminated hunter-gatherer

Tonga - Countrywatch.com
...believed to have come from Micronesia, arrived 2,500 ... The people of Tonga are ethnically

Micronesia - Countrywatch.com
The Micronesian people are an ethnic group descended ... Eight indigenous Malayo-Polynesian

Amazon.com: Books: Oceanic Mythology: The Myths of Polynesia ...
...the Australian aborigines (the indigenous people of Australia ... the Polynesians (the

Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL)
...systems used by the people of Chuuk ... Context Geographical area: Chuuk (Micronesia)

Marshall Islands -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
...the beliefs and practices of the indigenous peoples of ... Ocean, the Federated States

Spinifex Press - Daughters of the Pacific
...the Pacific is home to almost six million Indigenous people. . ... are the Marshalls,

Are you an Indigenous Australian ...

Read all about
...of World War I in 1914 saw Germany pulling out of Micronesia, which left ... Back to

...in the Kansas City area, the people of Yap ... Pressures and choices Many indigenous

Maori People Books and Articles - Research Maori People at Questia ...
Take the Questia tour. Maori People - Selected Resources. The Maori and the

SMSU Libraries
International, Dracula's Castle - Roma People - International Gypsies, ... Past & Present,

Background and FAQs - Culturally Responsive Schools for ...
These schools teach in the indigenous language until 3rd ... In most parts of Micronesia,

...that there are 20,998,731 people: 14,346,450 in ... anthropologist

Music of the Pacific Island Nations
Micronesia (from mikros - small) is a group of small islands - including Yap, Truk

Innovative Program to Develop Indigenous Management Skills to ...
Bank training program to strengthen the capability of indigenous people in the ... Islands,

Yap Art Studio & Gallery
...but not to the exclusion of tribal art from other areas, or the contemporary art

TiT Culture: Who Are the Mountain People?
...the Pacific Ocean including Indonesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia ... Chinese came, the

Micronesia is the name of a region in the Pacific Ocean. The Philippines lie to the west, Indonesia to the south west, Papua New Guinea and Melanesia to the south, and Polynesia to the south-east and east.

Geography and History

This region of Oceania consists of many hundreds of small islands spread over a large region of the western Pacific.

The term "Micronesia" was first proposed to distinguish the region in 1831 by Jules Dumont d'Urville; before this the term "Polynesia" was in use to generally describe the islands of the Pacific.

Politically, Micronesia is divided between eight territories: Much of the area was to come under European domination quite early. Guam, the Northern Marianas, and the Caroline Islands (what would later become the FSM and Palau) were colonized early on by the Spanish. Full European expansion did not come, however, until the late 19th century, when the area would be divided between: During the First World War, Germany's Pacific island territories were taken from it and were made into League of Nations Mandates. Nauru became an Australian mandate, while Germany's other territories were given as mandates to Japan. This remained the situation until Japan's defeat in the Second World War, when its mandates became a United Nations Trusteeship ruled by the United States, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Today, all of Micronesia (with the exceptions of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Wake Island, which are U.S. territories) are independent states.


The native languages of the various Micronesian indigenous peoples are classified under the Austronesian language family. Almost all of these languages belong to the Oceanic subgroup of this family; however, three exceptions are noted in Western Micronesia, which belong to the Western Malayo-Polynesian subgroup: This latter subgroup also includes quite a few languages spoken today in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Kirch, 2000: pp. 166-167).

On the eastern edge of the Federated States of Micronesia, the languages Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi represent an extreme westward extension of Polynesian. Micronesia