guam indigenous people pacific ethnic studies
Guam People. Home. ... illustrated - From -
chamorro indigenous studies peoples of the pacific
Nasion Chamoru: The Chamoru Nation, Guam __ "An organization ... what he has done for
The People of Guam - 10k - Cached - Similar pages Guam Culture Page
Guam Culture Page
...ceremonies" as coined by Cecilia Perez, an indigenous Poet, are ... a part of the island
Indigenous people have right to liberty -
In addition, in 1946, America entered Guam into the De ... the United Nations as a
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George ...
Amanaka'a Amazon Network. El Quichua de Santiago del Estero. Indigenous People,
Indigenous People Issues
This treatise is available at MARC in Guam. More than two-thirds of the world
The indigenous people of Guam are "Chamorros" with the balance of the population
DIALOGUE BETWEEN NATIONS- the S people issue: self-determination
...takeover of Chamorro homelands and regarded the indigenous Chamorros as ... By enacting
Guam: Society & Culture
Predominant in Guam's cultural mix are: Chamorros (the indigenous people of Guam -
Nasion Chamoru: Guam; Overview --- Summary
In 2000, the population of Guam was 154,805, including military personnel and
Position on the Draft UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples Rights
...the people of Guam in the conduct of the Consultation without providing for adequate
...the heathen souls by eliminating Guam’s indigenous ... women successfully kept continuous
Indigenous Issues
...shaping urban housing policies for its traditionally rural indigenous people. ...
Indigenous Protocols
...of violating treaty obligations to the Chamorus, encouraging migration into Guam,
NativeWeb Resources: South Pacific (Oceania)
This site is solely dedicated to the Indigenous people of Guahan (the island
Nuclear Colonialism and Environmental Racism: An Indigenous ...
These people are severely affected by the negative impact ... The nuclear cycle connects
Science News: Guam mystery disease from bat entree? - Troubling ...
In the Guam disease, people typically lose muscle strength and control
Assignment Guam
The indigenous people of Guam are "Chamorros," with the balance of the population
Guam's Featured Properties for Celebrate Asian-Pacific Heritage ...
Sanchez organized the Guam Teachers Association, comprised of Chamorro
MSN Encarta - Guam
The indigenous Guamanians, or Chamorro, constitute less than half the total population.
Spanish Creole
Some indigenous languages are deeply influenced by the Spanish language, but ... a
Guam info
Pacific Actions" website for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People working together
ThinkQuest : Library : Australia & Oceania
Children worldwide will enjoy learning about our island of Guam, as well as our ... Contest -
A/RES/44/98. Question of Guam
...the statement of the representative of the administering Power that the cultural
A/RES/40/42. Question of Guam
...implementation of the Declaration, Recalling that a Guam Commission on ... language and
The Struggle for Identity...A Critique of the Chamori Culture.
March 2000 The Indigenous people of the Pacific The Struggle for Identity A Critique
Hard Rock Cafe - Cafes - HRC Guam
Over the centuries, the clear waters of the Pacific Ocean have been a second
Traditional Botanical Knowledge - indigenous plant use in ...
...of plants indigenous to Arnhem Land, around 400 are ... in middle-aged death on the Pacific
Global Gayz...Gay Guam
Chamorro are the indigenous people who arrived in Guam hundreds of years ago from
People's Weekly World Newspaper Online - International notes
Guam: Indigenous people protest military build-up / South Africa: Vote shows growing
February 22, 1990
...who are citizens or nationals of the United States and are descendants of the indigenous
Guam main page
War and introduced diseases, however, nearly annihilated the indigenous people.
Indigenous people of Brazil - encyclopedia article about ...
...for a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples of ... people, Alaska's Inupiaq
The Committee was urged to reaffirm the right to self-determination of Guam's indigenous
Cecilia Perez - Guam's Poet and Author
It is written from the self-reflexive view of an indigenous Chamoru woman writer
Ride For Life: River water to blame for Guam's terrifying ALS-PDS
...geology of Kii in Japan and West Papua are dissimilar to Guam but they ... The three
Definition Search Results for Guam
2,000 snake... Chamorro (318 bytes) 1: *The [[Chamorros]] are an indigenous
Definition of Spanish Creole - wordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia
Philippines, Chamorro of Guam, and most noticibly the indigenous languages of ... is
Guam attracts increasing numbers of people from the ... Migrants may spark political
The Contemporary Pacific - Political Review - Guam - March 2, 2004
...of and spokesperson for I Nasion Chamoru (the Chamoru Nation), an activist organization
...(2) the Guam Bar Association; (3) the Guam Chamber of Commerce; (4) the Organization
Spinifex Press - Daughters of the Pacific
...the Pacific is home to almost six million Indigenous people. ... These are joined by
In the centuries after Magellan, Guam became a small green oasis ... of this colorful
7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese soldiers tortured and terrorized the
Northern Mariana Islands History | Lonely Planet World Guide
Northern Mariana Islands History. The Northern Marianas were settled around 1500
Kanton Tasi - Guam's Draft Commonwealth Act
By the late 18th century, the indigenous population had ... had reduced a self-sufficient
The Territory of Guam (Guåhån in Chamorro) is an island in the Western Pacific Ocean and is an organized unincorporated territory of the United States. Its indigenous people are the Chamorros, who first inhabited the island approximately 3,500 years ago. The capital is Hagåtña, formerly Agana (pronounced Agaña). Guam's economy is mainly supported by tourism (particularly from Japan) and its United States armed forces bases. The latter takes up one-third of the entire land mass of the island. The United Nations Committee on Decolonization includes Guam on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories.
Guam was first discovered by sea-faring people who migrated from southeastern Indonesia a few thousand years ago.
On March 6, 1521 Ferdinand Magellan came across Guam on his expedition to circumnavigate around the globe. He and his crewmen were greeted by the Chamorros, the descendants of the ancient people of Guam. They may never have seen Europeans before, but they practiced trading with other sea-faring islanders in the vicinity and assumed these Europeans did the same. In small, fast and efficient vessels called "flying proas", they welcomed the Europeans with food and drink. According to Chamorro folk history, the Chamorros expected to be paid in return, such as with the iron that they saw on Magellan's ships. From the Europeans' point of view, they thought the islanders were a gentle and gracious people. When — having not been recompensed for the food and hospitality they had given — the Chamorros stole upon Magellan's ships and took iron for themselves, Magellan was angered and battled the Chamorros, leaving homes burned to the ground and people dead. He and his men left and continued their journey around the world. Angry at the 'larcenous' natives, he first dubbed Guam and the rest of the Mariana Islands "Las Islas de los Ladrones", (The Islands of the Thieves), but in 1668 their name was changed to "Las Marianas" after Mariana of Austria, widow of Spain's Philip IV.
In a matter of decades, Guam was colonized by Spain and for the next few centuries the island existed as such. It was an important stop along the Spanish trade route between the Philippines and Mexico for whaling ships and other industries. The original inhabitant population dwindled significantly as a result of disease and rebellion against the Spaniards. Much of the adult male population was killed. Still, a population of those who identified themselves as Chamorros remained, though the culture and bloodlines began to incorporate Spanish and other European religion, customs, and language.
On June 21, 1898, Guam was captured by the United States in the bloodless Battle of Guam during the Spanish-American War. By the Treaty of Paris, Spain officially ceded Guam to the United States. Since then, Guam served as a way station for American ships traveling to and from the Philippines.
The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia wrote, "Guam is 32 miles long, from 3 to 10 miles broad, and about 200 sq. miles in area. Of its total population of 11,490 (11,159 natives), Agana, the capital, contains about 7,000. Possessing a good harbour, the island serves as a United States naval station, the naval commandant acting also as governor. The products of the island are maize, copra, rice, sugar, and valuable timber."
During World War II, Guam was attacked and invaded by the Japanese armed forces shortly after December 7, 1941. Most U.S. military personnel evacuated prior to the invasion. The Japanese military occupation lasted from 1941 to 1944 and was a brutal experience for the Chamorro people, whose loyalty to the United States became a point of contention with the Japanese. Some American servicemen were still on the island and were hidden by the Chamorro people. The Battle of Guam started on July 21, 1944 with American troops landing on the island and Guam was recaptured from Japanese military rule on August 10 in an Allied victory.
After World War II, the U.S. military had a heavy hand in the running of the island. This eventually led to resentment, and political pressure for greater freedom for the island in the 1950s. In the early 1960s, under President John F. Kennedy, the United States eventually granted U.S. citizenship to the Chamorro people and gradually the island obtained semi-autonomous status through the Organic Act.
The U.S. military installations on the island are some of the most strategically important bases in the Pacific Ocean. When Navy and Air Force bases in the Philippines were closed after the expiration of their leases, most of the forces stationed there were relocated to Guam.