Ute Native Americans of the Great Basin Desert - DesertUSA
THE UTE PEOPLE of the Great Basin Desert. ... The three groups are the Northern Ute with
Native American Genealogy Links
Home Page I>link site added 20 April 2000 Taino American Indian Web ... Story of the
Native American Authors: Ute Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe.
CAP | Native American Studies | The Ute Bear Dance
Native American Myths — The Ute Bear Dance In this lesson, students
ute tribe native american social studies
Ute People History culture. Home. ...
Native Americans - Ute
A group of Ute killed (1879) the Native American agent Nathan Meeker and several
Gallery of the Open Frontier Site Map / Subject Headings Beginning ...
Ute / Native Americans / Military personnel / Horses / Flags / Cavalry.
Ute / Native Americans / Military personnel / Horses / Flags ...
Ute / Native Americans / Military personnel / Horses / Flags / Cavalry
Home Pages for Individual Native Americans
Alan Hamann Chippewa Jim Hickinbotham Choctaw Mark Ellsworth Hickman Ute JC High
Marilee's Native Americans Resource
Nez Perce Peacekeeper (Famous Native Americans), by Diane Shaughnessy, Jack carpenter,
Marilee's Native Americans Resource - Individual Tribes
Chief Ouray: Ute Peacemaker (Famous Native Americans) by Diane Shaughnessy, Jack
Other Native American resources
Information About The Kiowa Nation; Kansoja Nations (includes many Native American
Native American Indian Tribes
Choctaw. Choctaw. Choctaw Home Page. Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Native American
Utah Indian Tribes
They were long supposed to be a mixture of Ute and Shoshoni but are now known
Colorado Indian Tribes
Many of its people intermarried with the Ute. (See New Mexico.). Shoshoni. ... Ute. The
Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Ute
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related
Tribal Culture | Utah.com
Ute; Dine' (Navajo); Paiute; Goshute; Shoshoni. ... Preserved Remnants of Ancient Tribal
Reclamation's Native American Program-water rights, Bureau of ...
Southern Utes and Ute Mountain Utes, (Colorado Ute Indian Tribes) Colorado
Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Ute - Pokoh, the Old ...
Learn about Ute Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American Culture,
Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
Ute - http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_041600_ute.htm Article
NARSI requires the administrators/directors to take the Native American Youth Recreation
Utah History To Go - Native Americans
...and individual sale of Indian allotments further reduced Northern Ute lands. ... and
The Ute Tribes - Granduncle Mark's Genealogy Parlor
...discrimination in the early settlement of America by Europeans often led to obscuring
Impact of Federal Policy on the Ute
Today the Ute and Native Americans in general speak of an emerging "pan-Indianism"
Native American Indians
Imformation gather from:Native American Cultural Resources on the Internet,Alta
Native American Tribes - A Complete Listing
WA Southern Ute Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation. WA Spokane Tribe of the Spokane
Federally Recognized Native American Tribes -- Courtesy of The ...
...& Ouray Reservation, Utah Ute Mountain Tribe of the Ute Mountain Reservation ... Check
Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--Native Americans Today
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians Part of the ... Inupiaq Inupiaq [Inupiat] – Alaska
Native American Indian Songs Online, Native American Indian Song ...
Alphabetical List of Native American "Indian" Songs From The Rhythm of the Redman.
Native American Constitutions
Constitution of theSouthern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation
InterTRIBAL.net - Links to Native American Tribes and Resources
NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES. NOTICE: Listing on this page does not constitute
Four New Projects Seek to Improve Oil Recovery on Native American ...
Each teams Native American tribes with oil producers and service companies to apply
Experiences - Native American
Native American Heritage and Gaming. ... The oldest continuous residents of
Slovak Folk Music - Native American Music
To Native American Music. Your Grandfather's Tax Dollars at Work Published by
Mad Dog's Breakfast - Native American River Expeditions in Utah ...
...departure guests stay free at the company campground, located on the Ute reservation
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Cultural Heritage
Spend time in our incomparable Ute Mountain Tribal Park with one of our knowledgeable
Silver Wave Records: Native American Music, World Music & New Age ...
Natives is the first collaboration with Peter Kater on piano and Navajo/Ute Native
MSN Encarta - Ute
Ute. Ute, Native North American tribe of the Uto-Aztecan language family of the
Indian News, Tanasi News - Good. Native American News, ... Native America On-Line,
Colorado Native Americans, History & Genealogy
Other Native American tribes that have live in the Colorado area are; the Crow,
Old Man Learn about Ute Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American
Native American Fish & Wildlife Society - tribes
Indian Tribes are Members of the Native American Fish & ... AK) Navajo Nation (AZ) Nenana
Native American Languages - Lady Hawke's Site
NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGES. Links to Native American languages: ... Thank you,.
Ute , Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Shoshonean group of the
Native Americans in Colorado
If you live on one of the reservations, click on the left to go to either the Southern
"Native American Indian flute, American Indian flute, Native ...
Native American style flute, Handmade,Handcarved,Handcrafted by Native Americans,
U. UCLA American Indian Studies Center. ... US Federal Native Language Act of 1992. ... Mark's
Native Americans in the history of Littleton
Native Americans in the history of Littleton. ... The use of horses, which were used
...the DoC campus in Boulder, the federal agencies identified Native American Indian
The Utes are an ethnically related group of American Indians (Native Americans) now living primarily in Utah and Colorado. There are three Ute tribal reservations: (1) Uintah-Ouray in northeastern Utah (3,500 members), (2) Southern Ute (1,300 members) and (3) Ute Mountain (2,000 members) — both in southwestern Colorado. The name of the state of Utah was derived from the word Ute.
The native Ute language belongs to the Uto-Aztecan (Shoshone) family of languages and is a dialect of Southern Numic. However, most current Utes speak only English. Other American Indian groups with native Shoshonean dialects include the Bannocks, Comanches, Chemehuevi, Goshutes, Paiutes and Shoshones.
Prior to the arrival of white settlers, the Utes occupied significant portions of what are today eastern Utah, western Colorado and parts of New Mexico and Wyoming. The Utes were never a unified group; instead, the Utes consisted of numerous nomadic bands that maintained close associations with other neighboring groups. Some of the larger groups included the Moache, Capote, Weeminuche, Uncompahgre, White River, Uintah, Pahvant, Timanogots, San Pitch, Moanumts, Sheberetch and Weeminuche.
Contact with Spanish colonists
The Ute's first contact with Europeans was with early Spanish explorers in the 1630s. Horses were eventually obtained through trading with the Spanish colonists in New Mexico. The subsequent increase in mobility made possible by the horses was instrumental in changing aspects of Ute society in ways that paralleled the Plains Indian cultures of the Central U.S. This social upheaval resulted in various degrees of consolidation, political realignment and tension between the various Ute groups.
Contact with white settlers
The Ute experience with white American settlers is similar to that of many other Native American groups: competition, confrontation and eventual coerced relocation to reservations. Of particular interest are the Walker War (1853–54) and Black Hawk War (1865–72) in Utah and the Ute War in Colorado (1879). Over the years, several other skirmishes and incidents occurred between Utes and white settlers in Utah and Colorado. These Ute uprisings were the result of friction between recently arrived settlers and local Ute groups.
Eventually, the various bands of Utes were consolidated onto three reservations. Several of these bands still maintain separate identities as part of the Ute tribal organizations. Although initially large and located in areas that white settlers deemed undesirable (occupying parts of Utah and most of western Colorado), the sizes of these reservations were repeatedly reduced by various government actions, encroachment by white settlers and mining interests. In the 20th century, several U.S. federal court decisions restored portions of the original reservation land to the Ute Tribes' jurisdiction and awarded monetary compensation.
Also see Chief Ouray, an important leader of the Uncompahgre band of the Ute tribe.
Current situation
The current conditions of the Utes are similar to those of many Native Americans living on reservations. Cultural differences between the Utes and the rest of America have contributed to relatively high rates of poverty, educational difficulties and societal marginalization.
Gradual assimilation into American culture has presented both challenges and opportunities for the Utes. The economic condition of the Utes is gradually improving. Oil and gas discoveries on Ute land in Utah hold promise of increased living standards. The Ute reservations in Colorado have recently benefited from tourism in the Four Corners area.
Each spring the Utes hold their traditional Bear Dances. Origin of the Bear Dance can be traced back several centuries. Each year, a mid-summer fasting ceremony known as The Sun Dance is held; this ceremony has important spiritual significance to the Utes.