American Indians: Cherokee, Apache, Navajo, Cheyenne, Pueblo ...
...of the American Indian will always endure. Learn more about the Apache, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Pueblo tribes. Read about native legends ... OFFICIAL WEBSITE - CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE
Native American website. Home of the Mnicoujou, Itazipco, Sihasapa, & Oohenumpa bands. The website is designed and maintained by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe ...
NATIVE AMERICAN LINKS. Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe www.sioux. org. We have many requests for other Native American links. ...
Lakota Page
The Sioux are used to portray all Native American tribes in Hollywood, anyone wanting to see a "real Indian" wants to see a war bonnet and a tipi. ...
Sioux's Native American Information and Mailing List Page: Sioux Mac's greatly informative page, with all sorts of NA mailing lists, plus links. ...
Native American Culture - Sacred, Symbols Thomas E. Mails: "The life of Frank FoolsCrow, Teton Sioux, a dearly loved spiritual advisor & civic leader.". Smudging--A Native American Tradition This page ...
Native American Cultures - Native Nations
...of Interest; and one for each of the nine Tribes of the Sioux Nation. ... Official Web Site of The Navajo Nation (Diné), the largest Native American tribe in ...
Native American Quote's
Shooter Teton Sioux. ... From the 1927 Grand Council of American Indians. ... the road to spirituality represents the slower path that the traditional native people have ...
Native American Lore Index
Below are links to several stories of Native American Indian Lore ... If you have a story of Native Indian Lore ... Four Brothers, or Inyanhoksila (Stone Boy) Sioux 125 ...
Minnesota Dakota (Sioux Native American Indian) General History
Brief history of Eastern Woodland Dakota (Sioux) Indian aka Native American people centering on Minnesota. Minnesota BRIEF HISTORY of DAKOTA - (SIOUX INDIANS. ...
Native American Stories -- Books and Etexts
I've picked out the Native ones. ... Born in 1876 to a Yankton-Nakota Sioux mother, she was an ... magazine publication were combined as a book, American Indian Stories ...
Sioux Native American Mailing List
Sioux Native American Mailing List. Sioux Indian Mailing List. Purpose of this Mail List. To help the Native American researchers find ...
C&MS: Meteors and the Native Americans
One of the few dateable events among the various records of native Americans was the ... of the Leonid storm appear among the various bands of the Sioux of the ...
Uncapappa Sioux / Native Americans / Portraits - Gallery of the ...
Uncapappa Sioux / Native Americans / Portraits Source :NARA-NWDNS NaraID :111-sc-85725. Photographer :N/A Personal Name :Rain-in-the ...
NativeTech: Native American Food and Recipes by Type of Dish
Native American Bacon Cherokee; Rainy Day Fish Chowder Haida - Tlingit; Salmon on a ... Chickasaw; Horse Tea Chippewa; Hungry Man Stew Penobscot; Indian Goolosh Sioux ... - Links to Native American Tribes and Resources
NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES. ... ASSINIBOINE. Connections. Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana. BLACKFEET. Connections. ...
Native American Indian Songs Online, Native American Indian Song ...
List of Native American "Indian" Songs From The Rhythm of the Redman. APACHE MEDICINE SONG (Apache). BEAR SOCIETY SONG (Pawnee). BEHOLD THE DAWN (Teton Sioux). ...
Indian Pictographs: Sioux Ojibway Pictography Ideography, Native ...
Great Chiefs & Leaders
...] American Horse (Sioux). ...
American West - Native Americans
...tribe of the Sioux, known for his part in the Sioux uprising of ... MORE GREAT NATIVE AMERICANS. 1. Leaders & Great Chiefs: From American Horse to Wovoka A list ...
native americans sioux nation
American Memory Collection Finder Search ___Enter this phrase ... This is definitely a pro-Native website. ... Yankton Sioux Tribe ___A community profile with tribal ...
Home Pages for Individual Native Americans
...of the Old Louisiana Territory James R. Weddell Dakota Sioux Whispering Eagle ... The Tragic Story of Louis Francis Sockalexis, the First Native American in Major ...
20000-NAMES.COM: Female Native American Names
ANPAYTOO: Sioux name meaning " radiant." APONI: butterfly AQUENE: peace. ...
Homework Center - Native American Sites
Lewis & Clark: PBS Series - The Native Americans native/index.html ... the Otos, the Shoshones, the Teton Sioux, the Tillamooks ...
Exhibit: Black Hills Treaty
...obtain certain concessions from the Sioux Indians," December ... The history of Native Americans in North America dates ... In the 19th century the American drive for ...
Native American Authors: Sioux Tribe
Sioux Type: tribal Description: This page on the tribe is part of a Native North American Cultures online exhibit created by Minnesota State University ...
native american and sioux art + indian silver jewelry of the ...
Welcome in Ablaya's Gallery. Native-American, Plains and Sioux beadwork. -Southwest Jewelry-. If you are in a hurry, you will find ...
Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Great Sioux ...
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to United States > Native American > Great Sioux Nation. ... United States > Native American > Great Sioux Nation. ...
Native Tribute, American Indian Chiefs
Red Cloud Makhpiya-Luta Lakota 1822 - 1909. Read about Red Cloud: 1 & 2. American Horse Wasechum Tashunka Oglala Sioux 1840 - 1908. Read about American Horse. ...
Native Americans
...of several Native American Tribes. The Writings of Zitkala-Sa - Zitkala-Sa - the pen name of Gertrude Simmons Bonin - was the daughter of a Sioux mother and a ...
Sasquatch and Native Americans a good basic survey of Native American thought on ... Toward Bigfoot in Many North American Cultures By ... widely separated at the Hopi, the Sioux, the Iroquois ...
Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
The site aims to raise awareness and sell crafts. Tahtonka - http://www.tahtonka. com/ Native American traditions as told by a Sioux descendant. ...
Native American Wisdom
...and attitudes from a number of Native Americans who lived ... The American Indian is of the soil, whether it ... Luther Standing Bear (1868?-1939) Oglala Sioux chief. ...
4th & 5th Grade Student Research Resources- Native Americans
Story Telling a "great place to start" Native American Lore Index links to 50 stories from various tribes Folktales of the Sioux Native American Lore Index ...
MSN Encarta - Sioux
The Sioux have been active in the modern Native American civil rights movement, seeking restoration of their land base and the institution of a modernized form ...
Native American Traditions -
Native American Traditions, ... Culture and Spirituality Native American culture is composed of many tribes, each with distinct traditions and customs. ...
History: The arrival of white Americans following the Louisiana Purchase lead to an end to native Sioux life due to the depletion of the buffalo. ...
Spring Break visit the Native Americans before the European settlers arrived, and have narrowed their choices to 3 tribes: the Monacans, the Pueblos and the Sioux. ...
BabyNameCenter Native American Names
Native American Names Male Native American Names Female Native American Names Male. ... ANPAYTOO: Sioux name meaning " radiant.". APONI: butterfly. AQUENE: peace. ...
The Native American Scenic Byway
More Information. Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Tourism Office: 605-473-0561. Share Your Story. Have you visited The Native American Scenic Byway? ...
Native Americans - Sioux
As chief of the Oglala Sioux native American group, in the 1860s Red Cloud fought to prevent United States occupation of what are now parts of Wyoming, Montana ...
American Indian Tribes
Dakota (Sioux) Delaware Diné. ... Biographies of Notable American Indians American Indians by the Numbers Navajo Code Talkers Sacagawea Golden Dollar. ...
Native American Constitutions
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. The following tribal constitutions can be found at the National Indian Law Library site: ... Go to Native American Constitutions Main ...
Hardships on the Oregon-Trail
...a great deal about possible Native American attacks, but ... most important confrontation with the native tribes occurred ... showed up at a nearby Sioux village, the ...
Native American Tribes and Cultures
...of San Diego County & Baja from DesertUSA LM LaKota Dakota: See Sioux. ... ThinkQuest, (5) Miwok Information Modoc: (1) Modoc Indians: A Native American Saga, (2 ...
Native American Pipes/Calumets
The most famous Native American pipes are the long calumets or "peace pipes" of the Sioux and other Plains tribes, which were made by attaching a wooden stem ...
Native American Resources
Nation- Contemporary information about the landmarks, legends, artifacts, art , culture and points of interest of the Sioux Native American Nation is here. ...
North American Indians
...the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux ~ Black Elk; ... The Cherokee Sacred Calendar: A Handbook of the Ancient Native American Tradition ~ Raven Hail; ...
Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Native American Spirituality, Religion ...
Tilda Long Soldier is Oglala Sioux. Tooker, Elisabeth, editor, Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands: Sacred Myths, Dreams, Visions ...
The Lakota ("friends" or "allies", sometimes also spelled "Lakhota") are a Native American tribe, also known as the Sioux (see Names). The Lakota are part of a band of seven tribes that speak three different dialects, the other two being the Dakota and the Nakota. The Lakota are the western most of the three groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota. The Nakota, the smallest division, reside on the Yankton reservation in South Dakota, the Northern portion of Standing Rock Reservation, and Canada (the Stoney and Assiniboine), while the Dakota live mostly in Minnesota and Nebraska.
The Lakota
The Lakota [lakxo'ta] came from the western Dakota of Minnesota who, after the adoption of the horse, _sunkawakan_ [s^uN'ka-wakxaN'] ('power/mystery dog'), became part of the Great Plains culture with their Minnesota Algonkin-speaking allies, the Tsitsistas (Cheyenne), living in the northern Great Plains, which centered on the buffalo hunt with the horse. There were 20,000 Lakota in the mid-18th century. The number has now increased to about 70,000, of whom about 20,500 still speak their ancestral language. (See Languages in the United States).
Because the Black Hills are sacred to the Lakota (who refer to them as the Paha Sapa), they objected to mining in the area, which has been attempted since the 19th century. In 1868, the US government signed a treaty with them exempting the Black Hills from all white settlement forever. Four years later, gold was discovered there, and an influx of prospectors descended upon the area, abetted by army commanders like General George Armstrong Custer. The latter tried to administer a lesson of noninterference with white policies. Instead, the Lakota with their allies, the Arapaho and the Cheyenne, defeated the 7th U.S. Cavalry in 1876 at the Battle at the Greasy Grass/Battle of the Little Bighorn, known also as Custer's Last Stand, since he and all 200 of the troopers under his immediate command perished there. Some 60 troopers under the independent commands of Major Reno and Captain Benteen also died. But like the Zulu triumph over the British in Africa three years later, it was a pyrrhic victory. The Lakota were defeated slowly by the wholesale slaughter of the buffalo by the U.S. Army and military police actions herding all Indians onto reservations and enforcing government food distribution policies to 'friendlies' only, culminating, fourteen years later, in the killing of Sitting Bull (December 15, 1890) at Standing Rock and the Massacre of Wounded Knee (December 29, 1890) at Pine Ridge.
In Nebraska on September 3, 1855, 700 soldiers under American General William S. Harney avenged the Grattan Massacre by attacking a Sioux village killing 100 men, women, and children. Seven years later on November 5, 1862 also in Minnesota, 303 Santee Sioux were found guilty of rape and murder of hundreds of white farmers in 1862 and were sentenced to hang. Of those 38 were hanged, the rest were pardoned by President Lincoln.
The Dakota
The original Dakota people migrated north and westward from the south and east into Ohio then to Minnesota. The Dakota were a woodland people who thrived on hunting, fishing and subsistence farming. Migrations of Anishinaabe/Chippewa people from the east in the 17th and 18th centuries, with rifles supplied by the French and English, pushed the Dakota further into Minnesota and west and southward, giving the name "Dakota Territory" to the northern expanse west of the Mississippi and up to its headwaters. The western Dakota obtained horses, probably in the 17th century, and moved onto the plains, becoming the Lakota, subsisting on the buffalo herds and corn-trade with their linguistic cousins, the Mandan and Hidatsa along the Missouri. In the 19th century, as the railroads hired hunters to exterminate the buffalo herds, the Indians' primary food supply, in order to force all tribes into sedentary habitations, the Dakota and Lakota were forced to accept white-defined reservations in exchange for the rest of their lands, and domestic cattle and corn in exchange for buffalo, becoming dependent upon annual federal payments guaranteed by treaty.
In 1862, after a failed crop the year before and a winter starvation, the federal payment was late to arrive. The local traders would not issue any more credit to the Dakota and the local federal agent told the Dakota that they were free to eat grass. As a result on August 17, 1862, the Sioux Uprising began when a few Dakota men attacked a white farmer, igniting further attacks on white settlements along the Minnesota River. Some 450 peaceful farmers (mostly German immigrants) were massacred until state and federal forces put the revolt down. Court martials tried and condemned 303 Dakota for war crimes. President Abraham Lincoln remanded the death sentence of 285 of the warriors, signing off on the execution of 38 Dakota men by hanging on December 29, 1862 in Mankato, Minnesota, the largest mass execution in US history.
The name Sioux was created by the French Canadians, who abbreviated the frenchified Algonquin word Nadouéssioux (from 'naadawesiwag' 'little snakes (Iroquois)', singular 'naadawesi', 'naadawe' 'snake' = 'enemy', 'Iroquois' - e = e [long e, similar to 'a' in 'late'] in Ojibwe/Ottawa), by which a neighboring Ojibwa tribe, or the Ottawa, referred to the Dakota to the west and south. This term is popularly interpreted as an insult but it could refer to a time when the Dakota people, like other southeastern tribes, were known to revere serpents (see Serpent Mounds in Ohio, feathered serpent, water serpents - unktehi/uktena, etc.) Today many of the tribes continue to officially call themselves 'Sioux' which the Federal Government of the United States applied to all Dakota/Lakota/Nakoda people in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Dakota, Lakota and Nakoda have names for their own subdivisions. The "Santee" received this name from camping for long periods in a place where they collected stone for making knives. The "Yankton" received this name which meant people from the villages of far away. The "Tetonwan" were known as people who moved west with the coming of the horse to live and hunt buffalo on the prairie. From these three principal groups, came seven sub-tribes.
Derived placenames
The U.S. states of North Dakota and South Dakota are named after the Dakota. Two other U.S. states have names of Siouan origin: Minnesota is named from mni ("water") plus sota ("hazy/smoky, not clear"), while Nebraska is named from a language close to Dakota, in which mni plus blaska ("flat") refers to the Platte (French for "flat") River. Also, the states Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri are named for cousin Siouan tribes, the Kansa, Iowa, and Missouri, respectively, as are the cities Omaha, Nebraska and Ponca City, Oklahoma. The names vividly demonstrate the wide dispersion of the Siouan peoples across the Midwest U.S.
More directly, several Midwestern municipalities utilize Sioux in their names, including Sioux City (IA), Sioux Center (IA) and Sioux Falls (SD). Midwestern rivers include the Big Sioux River in Iowa and Little Sioux River along the Iowa/South Dakota border.
Today, one half of all Enrolled Sioux live off the Reservation.
Sioux Reservations recognized by the US government include: