Lewis and Clark . Native Americans . Shoshone Indians | PBS
On August 13, some Shoshone women gathering food a few miles from their village
Native Americans - Shoshone
Native Americans - American Indians, The First People of America. Shoshone.
Native Americans - Sacajawea
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Kallmeh Fish northwest; Lake Trout & Wild Leek Bake Odawa; Miracle Whipped Fish
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Native Americans . Shoshone Indians | PBS ___A history of the Shoshone's first contact
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...and Fox History by L. Sultzman Seminole: (1) Seminole from Native Americans, (2)
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Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to United States >
Shoshone. Native American tribe of the Uto-Aztecan language family and of
MEDICINE VOICES - Western Shoshone Native News
Page Last Updated: 2/29/2004 - 10:45 am. Welcome & Introduction Welcome to
- Two Shoshone | Native American Indian Tribes - Over 700 articles
...clothes and said, "take what you want." The first Shoshone guy nodded ... from the UK
| Native American Indian Tribes - Over 700 articles
How the Shoshone and Paiutes became allies (Shoshone - Paiute Legend), (1324 reads,
Shoshone. Links to Other "Native Americans of Oregon" sites. Oregon Native
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Good site. Native American Indian Area Very interesting site. Lots of good information.
Tribes and Nations
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NATIVE PEOPLE of Death Valley seen. In 1983, the Timbisha Shoshone became a federally recognized Native
Native Americans and the Environment: Great Basin
Native Americans Bear the Nuclear Burden About the Shoshone and the
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Online Highways > Idaho > Fort Hall > Native American Shoshone-Bannock Indian Tribe.
Shoshone on
PICTURES. JD7395 Sacagawea circa 1810 Sacagawea, a Shoshone Native American
Native Spirits: Life
...of Nevada host reservations and colonies for three tribes: Washo, Paiute, Shoshone.
The Political Graveyard: American Indian/Native American ...
Alaska Native ancestry. Still living as of 1994. ... American Indian ancestry.
ACTION ALERT: We have just been informed that the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
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Western Shoshone and Paiute (Duck Valley). Shoshone-Bannock (Fort Hall). Northwestern
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NativeWeb Resources: Native American Tribal Pages
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe, Paiute, 271. ... These pages are devoted to
Sope discusses the Shoshone-Paiute culture. In Duck Valley, these ceremonies still
Native American People (First Nations and American Indian Cultures ...
...a Shoshone chief's sister) Wabanaki Indians: The Wabanaki Confederacy was a powerful
Native American Authors: Shoshone Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing
ProTeacher! Native Americans lesson plans for elementary school ... Craters of the Moon History - Background information and four lesson activities
Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL)
Browse Results. Culture: Shoshone (Native American - United States) Sort
Native American Atrocities - Bear River Massacre
...them and fed them until the Shoshone could make their way to other camps, including
Sacagawea: From captive to Indian interpreter to a true American ...
...the "slave-like" treatment commonly given to females in the Shoshone Band of ... about
Early Native Americans
...for having contributed directly to Nevada's history, she is remembered for having
Native American Languages - Lady Hawke's Site
NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGES. Links to Native American languages: ... Thank you,.
EasyFunSchool - Native Americans: Tribes of the USA - Article ...
Gosute Paiute Panaca Shoshone Washo Winnemucca. For more information, you might
...powwow was only introduced to the Shoshone in 1957. Source: Malinowski, Sharon,
Links Page - Camp Fortunate, Lemhi Pass
Beadsworth - Native American Indian/First Nations/Indigenous Peoples' News Online.
The Wyoming Companion - Native Americans
High Country Communications [ The Wyoming Companion Home --> Navigational Links
Shoshone Indian Genealogy & History: Resources For Researching ...
Space. Shoshone Tribe - Genealogy. FREE 14-Day Access to almost 2 Billion
It's the same sad story ... Native Americans get screwed
...the invasion continues unabated here in the good ole' USA, where many Shoshone natives
Indian by Edward Sheriff Curtis 1890-1930. Native American Resources on the ... Saponi,
Indigenous Issues & Struggles
Shoshones; Western Shoshone Land Map; Native Americans seek UN help; United
Bainbridge Bunting Memorial Slide Library - Native American Arts ...
Native American Tribal Arts & Architecture GREAT BASIN ARTS First & Second Line
The Shoshone, Shoshoni or Snake are a Native American group consisting of several bands. They are closely related to the Paiutes, Commanches, and the Utes and shared very similar Shoshone languages. The Shoshone lived in a wide area around the Great Basin and Great Plains areas in a number of bands headed by chiefs with shifting membership. The Shoshone adopted a horse culture but had trouble competing with tribes to their east who had better access to European trade and weapons. The tribe was party to the Fort Bridger Treaty Council of 1868. Famous tribe members include Washakie, Sacagawea who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition, and Pocatello whose name was used by the city of Pocatello, Idaho.
There are three large divisions of the Shoshone - the Northern, the Western and the Eastern. The Northern concentrated in eastern Idaho, western Wyoming, and north-eastern Utah. The Eastern lived in Wyoming, northern Colorado and Montana. Conflict with the Blackfoot, Crow, Sioux Cheyennes, and Arapahos pushed them south and westward after about 1750. The Western ranged from central Idaho, northwestern Utah, central Nevada, and in California about Death Valley and Panamint Valley. This group is sometimes called the Panamint. The Idaho groups of Western Shoshone were called Tukuaduka, or Sheep Eaters while the Nevada/Utah ones were called the Gosiute and the Toi Ticutta (cattail eaters).
The estimated population of Northern and Western Shoshoni was 4,500 in 1845. 3,650 Northern Shoshoni and 1,201 Western Shoshoni were counted in 1937 by the United States Office of Indian Affairs.
The Northern Shoshone fought conflicts with settlers in Idaho in the 1860s which included the Bear River Massacre and again in 1878 in the Bannock War. They fought with the U.S. Army in the 1876 Battle of the Rosebud against their traditional enemies, the Lakota and Cheyenne.