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...the American Association of Variable Star Observers -

Pawnee Native Americans - The USGenWeb Census Project
The USGenWeb Census Project Pawnee Native Americans , Native American Coordinator. ...

Native American Tribes and Cultures
Nation, (6) Pawnee Indians from Handbook of Texas, (7) Pawnee Indians Penobscot ... from

Native American Indian Songs Online, Native American Indian Song ...
Alphabetical List of Native American "Indian" Songs From The Rhythm of the Redman.

Native Americans - Pawnee
WORP Recording Artist: Pawnee Yellow Horse -

Native American Mythology: North Gods: Pawnee
Native American: North Gods: Pawnee. ...

After consideration of evidence supplied by the NMNH and the Pawnee Tribe, the Native

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C&MS: Meteors and the Native Americans
Although the Pawnee learned not to be afraid, there were native Americans

Pawnee , Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Caddoan branch of

Wyoming Indian Tribes
Arapaho, possibly from the Pawnee tirapihu or larapihu, signifiying "trader."

Pawnee Indian Tribe
Indian Genealogy. Pawnee Indian Tribe. Pawnee Native American Resources. ...

CULTURE/NATIVE AMERICAN Ponca, Pawnee, Haida, Zuni, Pueblo, Ute, Kiowa, Shawnee,

Native American Cosmology Links
Chamberlain's acclaimed monograph is the first major study of the ethnoastronomy

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Native American Nations. Native Americans, Indian Tribes, Indian History.

Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Pawnee - The Girl Who ...
Learn about Pawnee Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American Culture,

Native American Series by Kanatiiosh
The Pawnee (Native American Series II) by Barbara A. Gray (Kanatiiosh) School &

Native American Astronomy - Pawnee Tribe
The Skidi Band of the Pawnee Tribe. Click for full size A Pawnee brave named

Pai Yuman Paiute Pala Papago Passamaquoddy Patuxet Patwin Pawnee Pee Dee ... OHLONE INDIANS

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
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Encyclopedia of North American Indians - - Pawnee
...some museum-held Pawnee remains were successfully repatriated and reburied, due

Carolyne's Native American Genealogy Helper - Native American ...
MS 1945- Ponca, Oto, Missouri, Pawnee, and Tonkawa, 1897-1903; MS ... Greasy Grass. Design

Native American Wisdom
Native American Legends, Myths and Lore. December 19, 2002. " In ages ... Click

Native American Authors: Pawnee Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing

Pawnee Indian Genealogy & History: Resources For Researching Your ...
Space. Pawnee Tribe - Genealogy. FREE 14-Day Access to almost 2 Billion Records @

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Native american gods. From:

Tribes and Nations
...largest and area reserved for Native Americans - 17 million ... nomadic tribe in the

Mereors & Native Americans longer afraid. Although the Pawnee learned not to be afraid, there were

Native American
Native American Collections. ... Robert Bruce - Fighting Norths and Pawnee Scouts

MSN Encarta - Pawnee
Pawnee, Native American tribe of the Caddoan language family and of the Great Plains

MSN Encarta - Native Americans of North America
Powerful Native American nations, such as the Comanche, Pawnee, Kiowa, and Lakota

The Struggle to Convert Native Americans to Christianity
On the other hand, the Native Americans generally didn't feel ... to sell or cede their

First Contacts with Europeans - Expanding Trade with Native ...
They were related to the Wichita and were probably Pawnee. ... On the other hand, the

Native American Times - America's Largest Independent, Native ...
...“ At the time that happened, he was living in Las Vegas and we were in Pawnee and

AllRefer Encyclopedia - Pawnee (North American Indigenous Peoples) ...
Americans whose language belongs to the Caddoan branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic

The Pawnee Indians
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American Indian Institute, College of Continuing Education ...
Mitchell Museum of the American Indian. Native American Heritage Museum. Osage Tribal

Beginning Native American Research
PAWNEE AGENCY, PAWNEE Pawnee Ponca Otoe and Missouria Tonkawa Kaw. ... There are

Native American Actors A to B
Brummett Echohawk (Pawnee) On Walker, Texas Ranger as "Two Hauls" in #Legend of

NARA | Research Room | Native American Photographs
Pawnee lodges at Loup, Nebraska, with a family standing in front of a lodge entrance.

Native Americans of Oklahoma and their world Oklahoma (City) To provide health services to the native American population

Native American mythology - encyclopedia article about Native ...
Click the link for more information. Pawnee The Pawnee are a tribe of Native

Broken Claw's Native American Page
...grew up on the reservation and attended several different schools, but mostly the

Library: A Small Dictionary of Pagan Gods & Goddesses-Native ... DW Owens, Copyright 1994. Native American (North American). ... ATIRA (Pawnee) The

Emporia State University
...possible sources for one to begin inquiry into the study of Kansas Native Americans.

Native American Project
A twenty-three-year-old Pawnee Native American dancer recalls the school experience

Native American Culture - Oklahoma City
Pawnee. Such famous Indians as Sequoyah, Black Bear, Jim Thorpe and Maria Tallchief

Online Native American Indian Genealogy Records & Databases
Nebraska Pawnee Scouts, 1861-69 (requires payment). South Dakota (State Listing):

Native American Indian Historic Sites - Historic Indian Villages
...the Native American village of Casqui visited by the expedition of Hernando de Soto

The Pawnee (sometimes Paneassa) are a Native American tribe that historically lived along the Platte River in what is now Nebraska. In the 18th century they were allied with the French and played an important role in limiting Spanish expansion onto the Great Plains defeating them decisively in a battle in 1720.

In the 19th century, epidemics of smallpox and cholera wiped out most of the Pawnee, reducing the population to approximately 600 by the year 1900; as of 2002, there are approximately 2500 Pawnee.

Social structure


Descended from Caddoan linguistic stock, the Pawnee are not typically known as Plains Indians in the context of traditional representations; their villages constructed of earthen lodges tended to be permanent. They were an agricultural people who grew maize, beans, pumpkins and squash. With the coming of the horse culture to the Great Plains they did begin to take on some of the cultural attributes of their cousins, but the buffalo culture remained secondary to the maize culture. The Pawnee Confederacy was divided into the following four bands: The Chaui are generally recognised as being the leading band although each band was autonomous and as was typical of many Indian tribes each band saw to its own although with outside pressures from the Spanish, French and Americans, as well as neighbouring tribes saw the Pawnee drawing closer together.


Pawnee lodges near Genoa, Nebraska (1873)The Pawnee lodges tended to be oval in shape, the frame was constructed of 10-15 posts set some ten feet apart which formed the floor of the lodge. In the center were four posts representing the four directions, this framework was then covered with willow branches, grass and earth. A hole was left in the center which served as a combined chimney and skylight, the lodge itself was semi subterranean and the floor was approximately three feet below ground level. A buffalo-skin door on a hinge could be closed at night and wedged shut. There could be as many as 30-50 people living in each lodge. A village could consist of as many as 300-500 people and 10-15 households. Each lodge was divided in two (north and south), and each section had a head who oversaw the daily business, each section was further subdivided into three families. The membership of the lodge was actually quite flexible. Twice a year the tribe went on a buffalo hunt and on their return the inhabitants of the lodges would often move into another lodge, although they generally remained within the village.

Political structure

The Pawnee were a matriarchal people, descent was through the mother and a young couple would traditionally move into the bride's parents' lodge. Women were active in political life although men would take decision-making responsibilities. This may seem contradictory, but one must consider that tribal groups will allow far more flexibility in political life due to the simple fact that survival of the tribe is paramount, not political might and power. Within the lodge the abovementioned sections were designated for the three classes of women. Religion

The Pawnee placed great significance on Sacred Bundles, which formed the basis of many religious ceremonies maintaining the balance of nature and the relationship with the gods and spirits. The Pawnee were not however followers of the Sun Dance although they did fall victim to the Ghost Dance phenomenon of the 1890s. They equated the stars with the gods and planted their crops according to the position of the stars. Like many tribal units they sacrificed maize and other crops. There is reference to human sacrifice (the Morning Star ritual, only practiced by the Skidi) up through the mid-eighteenth century. In his book, The Lost Universe, Gene Welts makes note of a young Lakota captive who was tied to a tree and shot with arrows. She was thought to be the last human sacrifice performed by the Pawnee, Welts attributes this peculiarity to their Aztec kin to the south.


Francisco Vásquez de Coronado visited the neighboring Wichita in 1541 where he encountered a Pawnee chief from Harahey, north of Kansas or Nebraska. Nothing much is mentioned of the Pawnee until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when successive incursions of Spanish, French and English settlers attempted to enlarge their possessions. The tribes however tended to make alliances as and when it suited them. An interesting point to note being that different Pawnee subtribes could make treaties with warring European powers without disrupting the underlying unity; the Pawnee were masters at unity within diversity. A tribal delegation visited President Jefferson and in 1806 Lieutenant Zebulon Pike, Major G. C. Sibley, Major S. H. Long, amongst others began visiting the Pawnee villages. Their policy being to befriend and defraud the tribes, part of the Manifest Destiny doctrine that had plagued American society. The Pawnee ceded territory to the American government in 1818, 1825, 1833, 1848, 1857, and 1892; in 1857, they settled on a reservation in Nance County, Nebraska. Continual raids from Lakota from the north and west and encroachment from American settlers to the south and east lead to the abandonment of their Nebraska reservation. In 1875 they moved to Indian Territory, (Oklahoma), a large territory that had served as a 'dumping ground' for tribes displaced from the east and elsewhere. Many Pawnee men joined the US cavalry as scouts rather than face the ignominy of reservation life and the inevitable loss of their freedom and culture. In the 20th century, Christianity supplanted the older religion. In 1780 the Pawnee are thought to have numbered around 10,000, but by the 19th century, epidemics of smallpox and cholera wiped out most of the Pawnee, reducing the population to approximately 600 by the year 1900; as of 2002, there are approximately 2500 Pawnee.

Recent History

The Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936 established the Pawnee Business Council, the Nasharo (Chiefs) Council, and a tribal constitution, bylaws, and charter. An out of court settlement in 1964 awarded the Pawnee Nation $7,316,096.55 for undervalued ceded land from the previous century. Bills such as the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 have gone some way to address the mistakes of the past and help the Pawnee Nation regain some of their pride and culture. Today the Pawnee are still celebrating their culture and meet twice a year for the inter-tribal gathering with their kinsmen the Wichita Indians and the four day Pawnee Homecoming for Pawnee veterans in July. Many Pawnee return to their traditional lands to visit relatives, craft shows and take part in powwows. Pawnee