Culture. Simply put, the Iroquois were the most important native group
Bear Clan - The Iroquois Nation
Her first husband was a Native American. ... She married an Austrian-German by the surname
Native American resources
Joanne Shenandoah (highly recommended) also at Silver Wave Records and her home
First Americans, Native American Indian Studies for Grade ...
K Martin, MA. Muscogee Creek. This site is not affiliated with
The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
Adams' Defence was a critical survey of world governments and he included a description
Preface, "Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of ...
Since 1992, I have kept a bibliography of commentary on assertions that the
Eastern Woodland Indians : Northeastern Indians Bibliography
Includes Iroquois, Cherokee and other outstanding Native American leaders. ... The Iroquois;
iroquois indian tribes native american social studies
Nations __ Here is the text of the Constitution of the Iroquois Nations, a very
Native American Genealogy Links
Histories. Iroquois History by Lee Sultzman, First Nations Historian Iroquois/ Native
The Olive Tree Genealogy: Mohawk & Native American Genealogy
FREE search of offsite Native American Genealogy Records - Find your Ancestors! ... This
Native Americans
Iroquois Native Americans - History; Land of the Free and Home of the Braves - Native
Native American Tribes and Cultures
6) Inuit Culture Iowa: (1) Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, (2) Iowa Indian Tribe, (3) Iowa
Native Americans - Iroquois
... Iroquois Information Links See treaties and
Native Americans -
Native Americans - American Indians, The First People of America. The Iroquois
Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Iroquois - Huron ...
Learn about Iroquois Native American Indian Folklore, Native American Culture,
Native American Indian Myth & Folklore - Contents, ... Stories from America's Native
Native American Masks
...antiques) or non-native forgeries of Iroquois false face ... or because you want to support
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Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to United
Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
Iroquois Confederacy -
Google Directory - Society > Religion and Spirituality > Native ...
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Native American Lore Index
Below are links to several stories of Native American Indian Lore from ... If you have
Native American Authors: Iroquois Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing
Iroquois Confederacy
Native American Lore 150 legends; Large number of "Native Quotes"; Iroquois Web
Homes of the Past - ROM
Homes of the Past: The Archaeology of an Iroquoian Longhouse: Development by Elise
Sasquatch and Native Americans a good basic survey of Native American thought on ... Attitudes Toward Bigfoot
Native American Links
This is to history, archaeology, and people Native American Bookmarks
American Indian Tribes
See "Eskimo" groups Illinois Iowa Iroquois Confederacy, RELATED LINKS. Biographies
NA Webquest will need to get a copy of the chart titled "TRIBES OF NATIVE AMERICANS ... B. Iroquois
Native American Mythology: North Gods: Iroquois
Native American: North Gods: Iroquois. ...
Native Americans
Native Nations Online - ... First Americans -
Summary of Native American Religions
The belief system of the Iroquois was the closest a Native American civilization
The Iroquois League
Stanwix (1784) which officially disbanded the League. Native American Anthology
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...both groups occupied what is now New York State and both groups belonged to the
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Native Americans
First Americans "Native American studies for Grade Schoolers" The site was developed
Tuscarora and Six Nations Websites
Fort Neoheroka Photo Tour Jake Thomas Learning Centre Native News Views ... Indian Defense
NativeTech: Northeast Region - Iroquois Tribes: REGIONAL OVERVIEW ...
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Nicely woven vintage Iroquois Native American Indian yarn basket (9� high x 7� diameter)
The Alma Project : Exploring Northeast Native Americans: The ...
The Haudenosaunee or People of the Longhouse, were historically known as the Iroquois
Marilee's Native Americans Resource - Individual Tribes
Driving Hawk Sneve, illus by Ronald Himler, 1995 The Iroquois (First Reports - Native
Native American: Northeast
Native Americans: The Northeast. Social Structure. The Iroquois are one of the
Technology Rich Native American Unit
...a Native American and the roles they play in society. WRITING ACTIVITIES: 1. In
Iroquois & Algonquian WebQuest
...growing up Native American. These teens discuss how they integrate their tribes’
Thanksgiving Information
...also a historian and have written several books on American and Native American
Native American Religion in Early America - The Seventeenth and ...
...a single major tribal grouping--the League of the Iroquois in upstate ... toward more
Native American Genealogy Resources
It is my hope that by using the word "Iroquois" here and ... The following resources
The First Americans History Resources
Iroquois Native. Iroquois Oral Tradition. Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. Kiowa Transition.
Tribes and Nations
Iroquois) The Iroquois League, or Five Nations of the Iroquois, was the most ... people
Native American Iroquios
The occasion is the North American Iroquois Veterans Association's annual
The Iroquois Confederacy (Haudenosaunee, also known as the League of Peace and Power) is a group of First Nations/Native Americans. Originally based in what is now upstate New York at the time of the arrival of the Europeans, they now occupy territory in Ontario, Quebec and New York.
Prehistoric and Protohistoric period
This union of nations began before European contact, replete with a constitution recorded with special beads called wampum that served the same purpose as money in other cultures. Most Western anthropologists speculate that this Constitution was created sometime between the middle 1400s and early 1600s, but other scholars who account for Iroquois oral tradition argue that the event took place as early as 1100, with many arguing for August 31, 1142 based on a coinciding solar eclipse (see Fields and Mann, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 21, #2). Some Westerners have also suggested that this Constitution was written with European help, although most dismiss this notion as blatant racism. Some historians state the opposite, that the federation of states that became the United States was modelled on the League.
The two prophets, Hiawatha and "The Great Peacemaker", brought a message of peace to related squabbling tribes. Those who joined in the League were the Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Mohawks. Once they ceased (most) infighting, they rapidly became one of the strongest forces in 17th and 18th century northeastern North America.
The League engaged in a series of wars against the French and their Iroquoian-speaking Wyandot ("Huron") allies. They also put great pressure on the Algonquian peoples of the Atlantic coast and what is now subarctic Canada and not infrequently fought the English colonies as well. During the 17th Century they are also credited with having destroyed the Neutral Indians and Erie tribe as a way of controlling the fur trade, even though other reasons are often given for these wars. Some survivors of these tribes were absorbed into the Iroquois tribes.
According to Francis Parkman, the Iroquois at the 17th century height of their power had a population of around 12,000 people. League traditions allowed for the dead to be symbolically replaced through the "Mourning War", raids intended to seize captives and take vengeance on non-members. This tradition was common to native people of the northeast and was quite different from European settlers' notions of combat.
The 18th Century
In 1720 the Tuscarora fled north from the European colonization of North Carolina and petitioned to become the Sixth Nation. This is a non-voting position but places them under the protection of the Confederacy.
During the American Revolution the Oneida and many Tuscarora and Onondaga sided with the Americans while the Mohawk, Seneca, and Cayuga remained loyal to Great Britain. This marked the first split among the Six Nations. After a series of successful operations against frontier settlements led by the Mohawk leader Joseph Brant and his British allies, the Americans reacted with vengeance. In 1779, George Washington ordered Col. Daniel Brodhead and General John Sullivan to lead expeditions against the Iroquois nations to "not merely overun, but destroy," the British-Indian alliance. The campaign successfully ended the ability of the British and Iroquois to mount any further significant attacks on American settlements.
In 1794, the Confederacy entered into the Treaty of Canandaigua with the United States.
These tribes, mostly members of the Iroquois nation, lived in the Northeastern territories of the U.S. and Canada, from the St. Lawrence River down to the Delaware Bay and inland to the Great Lakes, Their close contact with Europeans makes investigation of their original mythology and religion extremely difficult, but core beliefs included a conception of life as a struggle between the forces of good and evil. The "All-Father," and all embracing deity, had no form and little contact of the humans. Spirits animated all of nature and controlled the changing of the season. Key festivals coincided with the major events of the agricultural calendar.
The Haudenosaunee
The combined leadership of the Nations is known as the Haudenosaunee. It should be noted that "Haudenosaunee" is the term that the people use to refer to themselves. The word "Iroquois" is reputed to come from a French version of a Huron (Wendat) name—considered an insult—meaning "Black Snakes." The Iroquois were enemies of the Huron and the Algonquin, who were allied with the French, due to their rivalry in the fur trade. Haudenosaunee means "People Building a Long House." The term is said to have been introduced by The Great Peacemaker at the time of the formation of the Confederacy. It implies that the Nations of the confederacy should live together as families in the same longhouse. Symbolically, the Seneca were the guardians of the western door of the "tribal long house," and the Mohawk were the guardians of the eastern door.
There exists another, perhaps more compelling, version explaining the origin of the word "Iroquois"; as the French combination of two distinct terms used in the language of the Haudenosaunee. Here is a link to published text discussing this point:
The participants and writers developing the nascent US government addressed and compared the Haudenosaunee and their ways to a state of achievement in administrative self-governance which Rome itself never reached and which they hoped the US would aspire to and achieve.
Another useful reference in learning about the Haudenosaunee exists here:
The Iroquois nations' political union and democratic government has been credited by some as one of the influences on the United States Constitution. Please see Figure 31 at this link:
However, that theory has fallen into disfavor among many historians, and is regarded by some as mythology. Historian Jack Rakove writes: "The voluminous records we have for the constitutional debates of the late 1780s contain no significant references to the Iroquois." [1].