Native Languages of the Americas: Preserving and promoting Native ...
Laura Redish, Director Orrin Lewis, Tribal Coordinator. ˜Native American Language
Native Americans: Innu
...general. Links, References, and Additional Resources. Native Americans: Innu:
Native Americans - Innu
...bigorrin/nask.htm Page dedicated to the Naskapi language, also with information
Native Americans - Montagnais
Nation/Mamit Innuat - This official website represents two of
indigenous americans innu
The Montagnais and Naskapi are actually part of the same Indian nation, calling
native american military service
Text only - From Medal of Honor -
The Native American Anthology: Internet Resources
Innu Mythology Native American Creation Myths Native American Literature. Anasazi
Native American Spirituality
A large collection of articles relating to Innu (Northern Native American) culture:
Native American Authors: Inuit Tribe
Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe. Inuit Tribe. ... URL: http://www.heritage.
Native American Tribes and Cultures
Tribe, (3) Mohegan, (4) Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut, (5) Mohegan Indians from
Native American Authors: Innu Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe. Innu
Native American Languages
Native Languages of the Americas: Montagnais Innu (Innu-Aimun, Innu Aionun) - extensive
Links to Native American Nations of the best-known Native American casinos in ... exhibit "North-South-East-West:
Facts for Kids: Innu Indians (Montagnais and Naskapi Innus)
Like most Native American tribes, each Innu community lives on its own reservation
GeoNative - Amerika - Native American
Native American Languages. ... Canada) Gwich'in [Kutchin] (Alaska; Yukon, Canada) Haida
Aboriginal First Nation Organizations First Nation Native American ...
You can also scroll down this form box to find specific links First
Aboriginal First Nations Native American Culture history ...
Click Here for All the Latest Aboriginal, First Nation, Native American Contemporary
Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Myths and Folktales > Myths ... Overview from the website of the Innu Nation (formerly ... Whirling Rainbow -
Native American Music
Singing in their Native language Innu, which is spoken by only 12,000* people mostly
What Are They Called? Native American Names
Hidatsa, Gros Ventre, North Dakota. Innu ("person"), Montagnais (fr. ... References.
Native Americans and the Environment: Subarctic
They cover Native American news quite well. ... (Harvey Feit, In Native Peoples: The ... Innu
Awesome Library - English
Also Try: Native American Languages, General. Materials: Lakota ... Papers: Algonquian
Native American links: The Nations
Tribes/indians.html-ssi contains brief descriptions of the various Native American
Native Americans
A Box of Souls NW Native American's viewpoint of how life and death affects the
Classification of Native Americans - encyclopedia article about ...
Their language, Innu-aimun, is spoken throughout Nitassinan, with certain dialect
Aboriginal Peoples of northern North America - Resources
Naskapi; See Innu: ... Tlingit, Inland: Inland or Interior Tlingit, from Yukon Native
Native Americans
...and music used in traditional Native American Pow-wow ... find out which tribe lived
Native Americans
One difficulty with the term "Native American" as a substitute ... who fall outside the
the™ directory - Arts - Literature - Myths and ...
Groups: Native Ar Native American mythology, folklore and stories. ... Mamit Innuat:
AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages ... Overview from the website of the Innu Nation (formerly ... Hopi History."
Myths and Legends for American Indian Youth
Innu Nation Official Site Located in Labrador, Canada, this site provides the best
Top > Arts > Literature > Myths and Folktales > Myths > Native ...
...collection of annotated links to traditional stories, myths, and legends from many
PHILTAR - North America/Traditional religions/Tribes
Keihan’s Web: Native American Resources. Nations Index ... Native American Religion This
Native American Indian Music Listings of Artists Beginning with ...
Native American Indian Music Listings of Artists Beginning ... Akua Tuta, Contemporary
Jennifer's Page of Links: Language Resources - America and Africa
Native American Language Resources Links to American Indian Web Rings ... Language Reader
Native American Genealogy Resources
...fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Native American History & Tribal
Native Geographies: Tribal Nations Case Studies & Links
Ho-Chunk Chiefs. Native American Communities in Wisc. ... ANCSA & Alaska Federation of
Native American Indian Tribes
Choctaw. Choctaw. Choctaw Home Page. Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Native American
NativeWeb Resources: Email Lists and solidarity between the Innu Nation and those interested in supporting
List of ethnic groups
Peru; Ingalik - Natives of Alaska; Innu - Native Americans of eastern Canada;
CanTeach: Links - First Nations
...about Newfoundland's three First Nations groups; the Inuit, the Innu, and the Micmac.
Indigenous Nations of North America
Larry Innes ( ---- Mushuau Innu Band Council ... Hull,
Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American Culture > News ...
...gaming news, plus Native American links. Canadian Aboriginal - collects and publishes
Cree Culture | Resources
Cree - Nehiyaw Atayokewina: Cree Legends: Stories of Wisakecahk - Information About
Medicine Dream
...encouraged to offer himself "in any way I can" to help the troubled youth of Innu
NATIVE-L (December 1992) by thread
...with Wolves Steve Smith; Native Community Research Site Sup; Re:
Arts > Literature > Myths and Folktales > Myths > Native American
Our Native American section includes smudge sticks, dream catchers, sweetgrass,
Powwows - Native American Indian Powwows - Powwows - American ...
Gwicha Gwichlin - Hay River Dene - Inuvik Native - Jean Marie River Dene. ... NEW FOUNDLAND.
Jay's Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples Links
Innu Nation/Mamit Innuat WWW Site; International Confederation of Autonomous Chapters
The Innu are the indigenous inhabitants of an area they refer to as Nitassinan, which comprises most of the Quebec-Labrador peninsula in Eastern Canada. Their population in 2003 was between 15,000 and 20,000. They are known to have lived on these lands as hunter-gatherers for several thousand years, living in tents made of animal skins. Their most important resource is the caribou, and the animal is culturally very significant to them. Their language, Innu-aimun, is spoken throughout Nitassinan, with certain dialect differences.
The Innu people are sometimes sub-divided into two communities, the Montagnais ["mountain people" in French] who live along the shore of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and the less numerous Naskapi ["inland people" in Innu-aimun] who live farther north. However, the Innu themselves dislike these terms, and according to most sources the distinction is anyway largely an artificial one invented by the French colonists. Neither group has any common heritage with the Inuit, a completely separate people whose lands lie much further north. (Confusion may arise due to the similarity of their names.)
The Innu have never officially surrendered their territory to Canada. From the 1950s on, the Canadian government and the Catholic church attempted to "civilise" the Innu, inducing them to settle in fixed encampments and to abandon their nomadic lifestyle. Before long, life in these artificially constructed settlements became marred by extremely high levels of alcoholism, volatile substance abuse by children, domestic violence, and suicide. Between 1975 and 1995 the Innu settlements averaged 178 suicides per 100,000 persons per year. This is more than twelve times the Canadian average.
Survival International have alleged that the Canadian government's policy of relocating the Innu away from their ancestral lands and preventing them from practising their ancient way of life is in contravention of international law, and they have drawn parallels with the treatment of the Tibetans in the People's Republic of China.
The best-known members of the Innu nation are the folk rock duo Kashtin.