Chickasaw Chickasaw Compact Histories
...the most formidable warriors of the American Southeast, and ... combination of the French

...main attraction of the region was its ability to supply Native American slaves for

Viki's Little Corner of the Web
A Resource for Chickasaw Native American History and Genealogy. What's at

Chickasaw Native Americans - The USGenWeb Census Project
The USGenWeb Census Project Chickasaw Native Americans of the Five

Online Native American Indian Genealogy Records & Databases
Rootsweb's Native American Database includes Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek,

Native American Resources
Native American Resources. General Resources. ... Mississippi Band of Choctaw

Native Americans in Tennessee
...the area in which we call Tennessee, the land was inhabited by several Native American

Native American Indian Tribes
Chickasaw. Chippewa. Chippewa Homepage. Sault Ste Marie Tribe of the Chippewa Indians.

Native American Genealogy
Chickasaw Native American History. Chickasaw Nation Official Home Page. Choctaw

Final Rolls (Dawes) ~ Native American Genealogy
...presented here to aid you in your search for your Native American Ancestors. ... Chickasaw

Chickasaw Indian Genealogy
Indian Genealogy. Chickasaw Indian Genealogy. Chickasaw Native American Records.

Native American Genealogy
Oneida Indian Ancestry; Pathways & Crossroads - Researching the Red Clay Nation;

Native Americans - Chickasaw
Viki's Little Corner of the Web - A resource for Chickasaw

Native American Ancestry - Indian Heritage & Genealogy - American ...
Specializing in proving Native American ancestry and Indian heritage & genealogy

chickasaw indians native american social studies
...only - From the African-Native American History & Genealogy Webpage - http://www.

Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Chickasaw ...
Resource for Chickasaw Native American History and Genealogy - surnames studied:

Beginning Native American Research
FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES AGENCY, MUSKOGEE. Cherokee Seminole Creek Chickasaw Choctaw.

National Archives Resources
...who are trying to provide acceptable Proof of Native American Indian ancestry from

Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Chickasaw - Ghost of ...
Learn about Chickasaw Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American

The Seeker, Site Seeking - Native American Sites
Vicki's Little Corner of the Web A Resource for Chickasaw Native American History

Native Americans | Read about native american indian tribes ...
NATIVE AMERICANS Chickasaw, -Native Americans- Click arrow to choose. D istant relatives ...

NativeWeb Resources: Genealogy (Tracing Roots)
These rolls include the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Creek Tribes

Links to American Indian Genealogy and Media Sites by Phil ...
Viki's Little Corner "A Resource for Chickasaw Native American History and Genealogy";

Native American Child Support Services
The Chickasaw Nation provides child support services to Native American children.

Native American Authors: Chickasaw Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
Viki's Little Corner of the Web - A resource

Native American Tribes and Cultures
History by L. Sultzman, (4) Chickasaw, (5) Information on the Chickasaw Indian Tribe's

Native American Languages
...from Native Languages - Speakers of the Earth - for ordering: Intro to Chickasaw,

Free Native American Genealogy Search
Native American Records at RootsWeb ... Chickasaw Partial 1818 Chickasaw Census Roll

Native American Genealogy
RG56 Records Of The Treasury Department - Correspondence M749 about Administration

Chickasaw. Chickasaw, Native North American tribe of the Muskogean linguistic

The University of Oklahoma Native American Studies provide a database of Native American writers’ addresses ... a library of works by

"the People's Paths home page!" Genealogy Information!
Viki's Little Corner of the Web: "Resource for Chickasaw Native American History

Native Americans of Oklahoma and their world
Chickasaw Genealogy and History - various surnames plus links to Native American

Chickasaw Genealogy & History: Resources For Researching Your ...
Space. Chickasaw Tribe - Genealogy. FREE 14-Day Access to almost 2 Billion

The African
Cherokee Treaty of 1866 Freeing the Slaves. Choctaw-Chickasaw Treaty of 1866

John Herrington -- First Native American to Walk in Space
During the mission, Astronaut John Bennett Herrington (Cmdr., USN), a member of

Native American Research-Kentucky Historical Society Research FAQ
You may also wish to consult the "Dawes Roll" of 1898, which lists thousands of

NATIVE AMERICAN DATABASE. ... BOYD, Annie, Choctaw. BOYD, Annie S, Choctaw. BOYD, BF,

Chickasaw Language Programs @ Buffalo Trails - Chickasaw Language ...
...content owned and/or licensed by Native Americans @ Buffalo Trails! No duplication

Meet some Native Texans Caddo Chickasaw
He is very proud to be a Chickasaw and attends many tribal events. As an astronaut,

Native American Tribes and Tribal Programs
Industry Employment program for Native Americans who have ... American Indian Vocational

MSN Encarta - Chickasaw
Chickasaw, Native Americans of the Muskogean language family and of the Southeast

Oklahoma Web Resources: American Indians
Native American Print Publications List on print publications with addresses and

Chickasaw on
...stock (see Native American languages ). They occupied N Mississippi and were closely

Native American Languages - Lady Hawke's Site
NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGES. Links to Native American languages: ... Thank you,.

Red Earth 2, Site Map
Cyrus Harris; Chickasaw Customs; Legends; Legends 2; Chickasaw History; Native

NSU Library -American Indian Resources
Chickasaw Nation ... Native American Educational Resources

Tennessee Genealogy "First People of Tennessee and the American ...
Southeast has three query boards: Cherokee Nation, Chickasaw Nation and ... TNGenWeb

The Chickasaws are a Native American people of the United States, originally from present-day Mississippi, now mostly living in Oklahoma. They are related to the Choctaws, who speak a language very similar to the Chickasaw language. The Chickasaws were one of the "Five Civilized Tribes" forcibly removed to the Indian Territory during the era of Indian Removal.

Early history

The origin of the Chickasaws is uncertain. When Europeans first encountered them, the Chickasaws were living in villages in what is now Mississippi and western Tennessee, with a smaller number in South Carolina. The Chickasaws may have been immigrants to the area, and perhaps were not descendants of Indians of the pre-historic Mississippian culture.

The Chickasaws had a reputation for being brave and fierce warriors; their warlike culture has been compared to that of the ancient Spartans. The first European contact with the Chickasaws was in 1540, when Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto encountered them. After various disagreements, the Chickasaws attacked the De Soto expedition, and the Spanish moved on.

The Chickasaws began to trade with the British after the colony of Carolina was founded in 1670. With British-supplied guns, the Chickasaws raided their enemies the Choctaws, capturing Choctaws and selling them into slavery, a practice that stopped once the Choctaws acquired guns from the French. The Chickasaws were often at war with the French and the Choctaws in the eighteenth century, such as in the Battle of Ackia on May 26, 1736, until France gave up her claims to the region after the Seven Years' War.

The majority of the tribe was deported to Indian Territory (now headquartered in Ada, Oklahoma) in the 1830s. Remnants of the South Carolina Chickasaws have reorganized tribal government, and are in process of gaining recognition from the state, having their tribal headquarters at Indiantown, South Carolina.

During the American Civil War, the Chickasaw Nation allied with the South and it was the last Confederate community to surrender in the U.S.

The Chickasaw Nation Capital (1855-1907) was Tishomingo, OK. The third capital building was used as the Johnston County Courthouse until recently, when it was reclaimed by the Chickasaw Nation. The present structure is built of red granite in the Victorian Gothic style.


Pashofa, cracked white hominy boiled with pork, is a main dish that is still eaten.


Calloway, Colin G. The American Revolution in Indian Country. Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chickasaw