Community & Government, Government Offices, Native American ...
Related Categories. Community & Government. Government Offices. Native American.
Native American Authors: Chehalis Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe.
The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis
Opportunities Another Native-American Links Page ArtNatAm - Native American Art
The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis
Although the Native American population in Lewis County is hard to determine, one
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Oakville, Washington (Native ...
Native American population in the region during those years is impossible to ascertain,
Native American Federations
Copalis, Wynoochee, Humptulips, and Satsop--and the Qwaya of the lower Chehalis.
Native Americans - Washington State
Today, to our benefit, Northwest Native Americans continue to carry on their unique
Quinault (tribe) - encyclopedia article about Quinault (tribe). ...
Chehalis, Washington; Chehalis River (US); Chehalis River (Canada); Chehalis Native
Washington Indians
Chehalis. A collective name for several Salishan tribes on Chehalis River
Chinook Indian History
Chinook (from Tsinúk, their Chehalis name). The best-known tribe of the
Native American Language Products
Native American Salishan languages: Clallam, Coeur d'Alene, Columbian, Comox, Cowlitz,
Remarks to Chehalis Reservation of the Lower Chehalis and Upper ...
K. Powell, I wish to extend greetings to the citizens of Chehalis and other ... an impact
Indian Health Service : Native American Resources
...of Pittsburgh) NativeTech's Links to Native American Resources ~ (U ... MAPS: GIS Windows
Native American Resources - Text Only & Low Vision
New! National Indian Education Association ~new! Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis
EPA, Region 10: New EPA Video Documents Two Native American Tribes ...
...that documents the successful protection of water quality on Native American
Other Native American resources
Other Native American resources. Tribal ... Chitimacha; Choctaw; Choctaw; Confederated
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Text only - From Medal of Honor -
arapaho tribe native american social studies Native Americans - Arapaho ___Brief article about this
Native American - The USGenWeb Census Project
The USGenWeb Census Project Native American 1885-1930 Census Rolls. M595. , Native
Native American - The USGenWeb Census Project
M595. , Native American Coordinator. NATIVE AMERICAN INDEX CENSUS 1885-1930. ... Cayuse,
HW Services Directory - Native American Tribal Contacts
Native American Tribal Contacts. Tribe Name: Function: Address: City: State: ZIP:
Federally Recognized Native American Tribes -- Courtesy of The ...
Flathead Reservation, Montana Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Wahington
Native American - Reference Library
Yakama Washington. Northwest Coast. Alsea; Bella Bella; Bella Coola; Chehalis (Upper
Homework Help--Countries & Native Peoples--NativeAmericans in ...
Tribes of the Coast (Cowlitz, Chehalis…Squamish, Lummi ... the Tsimshian from the Alaska
Native American Documents Project
Allegany. Blackfeet. Bois Fort Chippewa (includes Deer Creek Chippewa). Cattaraugus.
Native American Criminal Justice Resources
Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Code Talk: A Federal Website Managed by Native Americans.
Native American - Indian Nations
Chehalis. Chehalis Business Council. Cherokee. ... The Museum of the Native American
Native American Indian Tribes by State<
SkokomishTribal Council . Chehalis Business Council . Squaxin Island Tribal Council .
Native American Genealogy Resources - by Tribe
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis. ... They are interested in improving the accuracy
Native American Basketry Exhibit
STORAGE: Chehalis. click on a thumbnail image for a larger photo and catalog number. ...
Native American Basketry Exhibit
...elder of the Chehalis tribe. She studied art at the Institute of American Indian
Native Americans and the Environment: Water Rights and Dams
Chehalis Tribal Water Resources Department Short description ... Rain Exhibit and curriculum
Chehalis meaning "sand.": Chehalis, Washington; Chehalis River (US); Chehalis River
Thousands of NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES for your dog, horse, cat ...
Northwest Calapuya, Cathlamet, Chehalis, Chemakum, Chetco, Chilluckkittequaw, Chinook,
Native American Tribes and Languages
Native American Tribal Names. A. ... Caribe), Carolina Algonquian, Carrier, Caska, Catawba,
Native American Communication Office-Tribes
...recognized American Indian tribes and Alaskan Native tribes or ... American Indian tribes:
Washington HistoryLink Database Essay
Among the Native peoples are members of the ... tribes, resisted attempts of Euro-Americans
2001.09.25:HHS Awards Native American Elders Caregiver Grants
Tribes of Montana; the South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency for Chehalis and
Blackfoot Bodega Miwok Brothertown Caddo Cahuilla Calusa Carrier Sekani Catawba
Canku Ota - January 11, 2003 - Hazel Pete Revived Interest in Art ...
When Hazel Pete was born in 1914, in a one-room house on the Chehalis Indian
Definition of Classification of Native Americans - wordIQ ...
Chehalis (Upper and Lower) Washington; Chemakum Washington; Chetco; Chilliwak; Chinook
Laughing Eyes' Native American Links
LINKS-. Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Reservation *new*; Confederated Tribes of the
Native American
Alaska Native (incomplete): Ahtna; Carrier; Chilcotin; Haida; ... Northwest Coast: Chehalis
Homework Helper - Native Americans
...[Chehalis] The Chehalis http://www ... Note: Also includes a
Federally Recognized Native American Indian Nations
This is a compiled list of Federally Recognized Native American Indian Nations
Olympic National Park -- History
...their culture has suffered enormous pressures and changes, Native Americans are
MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Native Americans of the Northwest Coast
Native American Group, Alternate Name or Spelling, Ancestral Heartland, Contemporary
Native American Indian Tribes: Federally Recognized Tribes
...perhaps now coming to illuminate and share the culture and ways of the Native American
Chehalis (tribe) is a group of Native American peoples from western Washington state in the United States. The Chehalis tribe actually consists of two distinct subtribes: The Upper Chehalis and the Lower Chehalis. Within these two groups were several subgroups: the Copalis, Wynoochee and Humptulips people were part of the Upper Chehalis subtribe, while the Satsop people were part of the Lower Chehalis subtribe.
The Chehalis language belongs to the Salishan family of languages among Northwest Coast indigenous peoples. Like many Northwest Coast natives, the Chehalis relied on fishing from local rivers for food and built plank houses (longhouses) to protect themselves from the harsh, wet winters west of the Cascade Mountains. The Chehalis people settled on their current Chehalis Reservation land along the Chehalis River in 1860.