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Native Americans - Arapaho
...with the Cheyenne in Oklahoma; and the Northern Arapaho, who retain all of the sacred

Arapaho Native American Records
Cheyenne ~ Arapaho Native American Records. ... Nawat ('Left-hand'). The principal chief

Wyoming Indian Tribes
Arapaho, possibly from the Pawnee tirapihu or larapihu, signifiying "trader."

Native American Criminal Justice Resources
Bureau of Indian Affairs: Law Enforcement Services. California: Victim Assistance

arapaho tribe native american social studies Native Americans - Arapaho ___Brief article about this

Native American languages
Native American languages. Specific languages. Abenaki; Alabama; Aleut (Unangam

Facts for Kids: Arapaho Indians (Arapahos)
Like most Native American tribes in the United States, the Arapaho communities live

Native Americans: Arapaho Indian History and Culture
Go on to Arapaho Facts for Kids Go back to our main Arapaho page Go back to the

Arapaho Language and the Arapaho Indian Tribe (Inuna-Ina ...
Bambi in Arapaho: v Bambi in Arapaho: v Bambi Speaks Arapaho: Bambi, the Arapaho

Native American Indian Tribes
Meet the Cheyenne & Arapaho Circuit, Kingfisher, Thomas and El Reno UMCs. · Native

Genealogy Resources on the Internet - Native American Mailing ...
This reservation is the home of the Shoshone and Arapaho Native American Nations;

Native American Research Project
...sharing your information, please send them to me at, with "NATIVE

MORE. The Plains India Links:The Sioux, the Cheyenne, and the Arapaho; facts,

Native American Indian Songs Online, Native American Indian Song ...
Love Call (Omaha) ] [ Ghost Dance Song (Arapaho) ] [ Mountain Song ... [ Shelters ] [

Yahoo! Directory United States > Native American > Arapaho
...reviewed these sites and found them related to United States > Native American >

Native Americans in the history of Littleton
Native Americans in the history of Littleton. ... Arapaho and Cheyenne meet in


NativeTech: Native American Varieties of Moccasins - Arapaho
Native American Varieties of Moccasins - Arapaho Circa 1890 Arapaho Ghost

Native American Tribes and Tribal Programs
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Project with Industry Employment program for Native

Arapaho, Native American tribe of Algonquian linguistic stock, originally inhabiting

EasyFunSchool - Native Americans: Tribes of the USA - Article ...
Arapaho Cheyenne Crow Gros Ventre Lakota Shoshone. West. ... you might be interested

Google Directory - Society > Ethnicity > The Americas > Indigenous ...
School. The Wyoming Companion - Native Americans - http://www.wyomingcompanion.

Native American Indian Myth and Folklore - Arapaho - The Trickster ...
Learn about Arapaho Native American Indian Myth and Folklore, Native American Culture,

Links to Native American Nations
Northern Arapaho Tribe - the website of the Northern Arapaho Tribe in Wyoming.

Definition of Native American music - wordIQ Dictionary & ...
Download recording Ghost Dance and gambling song from the Piute and Arapaho Native

Native American Tribes and Cultures
Nation, (5) I Am Algounquin Apache: (1) Apache from Native Americans, (2) Apache

...number of videotapes of the Disney classic Bambi in the Arapaho language. Proceeds

Music Forum - Native American/Arapaho music
Posts: 314. Music: Pop Goes The Weasel remix. Tabbage. First Try. Native

Native American Authors: Arapaho Tribe
...the Internet Public Library. Native American Authors: Browsing by Tribe. Arapaho

Homework Center - Native American Sites
...[Arapaho] Wyoming Companion: Native Americans

Internet Public Library: Native American History
...html This page has historical information on the Arapaho Tribe and ... the aim of returning

The Cheyenne Nation. Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma The official web site

Native American Studies - The University of Montana-Missoula
Indigenous Peoples and Global Development (ANTH 385S); Native American Health and

Oklahoma Native American Tribes
Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma Business Manager's Office Cheyenne and Arapaho

NativeWeb Home
Red Turtle Native American Arapaho Dolls, Arapaho, US - West, 1226. Award

Flags of the Native American Peoples of the US
2003 - a new updated version of the original book called Native American Flags to

Homework Helper - Native Americans
Links and Resources. [Arapaho] Wyoming Companion: Native Americans

- The Arapaho (Tribes, Nations & Bands) | Native American Indian ...
KEYWORDS: Arapaho arapaho Indians arapaho tribe native americans US Indian tribes

NARA | Research Room | Native American Photographs
Pictures of Indians in the United States Arapaho Ghost Dance. ... NARA's Still Picture

NARA | Research Room | Native American Photographs
Chief Powder Face of the Arapaho;standing full-length, wearing war costume. ... NARA's

Emigrants & Indians
...often credited with disrupting Native American societies, causing ... larger truth is

Arapaho - encyclopedia article about Arapaho. Free access, no ...
The Arapaho (in French French (le français, la langue ... Gens de Vache) tribe of Native

American Experience | Transcontinental Railroad | People & Events
...menace." Certainly, the Northern Cheyenne, Sioux, and Arapaho maintained a ... Periodic

Arapaho on
Pictures and Maps for: Arapaho. Native Americans Date: 09/01/1994; Reading Level:

Native American Roots
...~Native American Roots~ ... For a mini-course on researching American Indian ancestry

Native American Project
An Arapaho-Sioux Native American, born on the Wind River reservation in Wyoming,

Native American Times - America's Largest Independent, Native ...
Tuesday, invalidating all resolutions passed in the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes’

Native Americans of the Old West
...places and events that are central to Native American history of ... tribes in the US

The Arapaho (in French: Gens de Vache) tribe of Native Americans historically lived on the eastern plains of Colorado and Wyoming. They were close allies of the Cheyenne tribe and loosely aligned with the Sioux. Together with the Cheyenne they build an enclave of the Algonquian language in the West. The Northern Arapahos live on the Wind River Reservation north of Lander, Wyoming.

The Arapaho Indian tribe most likely lived in Minnesota and North Dakota. European expansion forced the Arapaho westward towards the area which is now Colorado, Wyoming, and Kansas. When the U.S. was placing Indians on reservations, one group of the Arapaho were sent to Oklahoma. There they shared the reservation with the Cheyenne and eventually the Cheyenne and Arapaho cultures grew similar.

They lived in teepees made of buffalo hide. Before they were sent to reservations, they migrated often chasing herds, so they had to design their teepees so that they could be transported easily. It is said that a whole village could pack up their homes and belongings and be ready to leave in only an hour.

They originally used dogs to pull travois with their belongings on them. When the Europeans came to North America, the Arapaho saw the Europeans' horses and realized that they could travel quicker and further with horses instead of dogs. They raided other Indian tribes, primarily the Pawnee and Comanche, to get the horses they needed.

Later on, they became great traders and often sold furs to other tribes and non-Indians. While nobody knows for sure, many think the name 'Arapaho' might have come from the Pawnee word for 'traders.'

The children often fished and hunted with their fathers for recreation. While they had more chores to do than present day Arapaho, they still had time to play games. They played many games, including one involving a netted hoop and a pole where they would try to throw their pole through the center of the net. It was much like the game of darts.

In present day, some Arapahos have gotten into the gaming or casino industry. A few of them own casinos, most notably the Arapaho Casino located in Wyoming. Arapaho