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Asian Indigenous People General Resources. ... ‘Biopiracy’ increasing threat to survival
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From Leland Ackerson - http://pusanweb.com/Exit/Jun97/CONFUSED.htm. Dan-Gun __
FWDP -- European and Asian Documents
Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Yakut-Sakha Soviet ... CHT_1.TXT - Indigenous
Arctic Social Sciences - Arctic Studies Center
At present, 31 indigenous ethnic groups live in the ... and almost totally assimilated
Heterogeneity of Taiwan's indigenous population: possible relation ...
Japanese, Man, Buryat and Yakut ), Tibetans, Tlingit ... or settled in Taiwan from Asian
peoples of the arctic
1921 (Autonomous Republic:1936) and the Yakut Autonomous Republic ... the Peoples of
South Asian Media Net
...is connected with a few Central Asian tongues and ... Another thesis asserts the indigenous
Russian Department
Examination of little known Asian peoples of the ... half of the course examines Siberia's
The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire
...the Baikal group of the North-Asian race ... Ethnologically the Yukaghir are regarded
The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire
On the Taimyr Peninsula the Dolgans are the most numerous indigenous ethnic group
Asia-Pacific Studies:
...to tackle East and Southeast Asian politics, culture ... been inhabited by numerous
Regional Europe Russia Society and Culture Ethnicity Arctic and ...
Culture Center of the Northern Asian First Peoples' Art ... and socio-cultural units
...their own national armies there is a lack of trained indigenous officers. ... SOME ASPECTS
the knowledge.com™ directory - Regional - Europe - Russia ...
RAIPON - Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North ... Culture Center of
Christian Century: In sacred groves - paganism in Russia
...of an ancient westward movement of an Asian people, the ... and is a model for the indigenous
Scott Polar Research Institute » Russian North and Far East ...
Since perestroika the attitude towards the indigenous has languages radically
Max Planck Society - Max Planck Research Reports (ongoing)
...to the historical record, that occasionally Yakut men took ... Control-region sequences,
Excite Italia - Directory - Arctic and Siberian
2. Culture Center of the Northern Asian First Peoples ... RAIPON - Russian Association
University Graduate School
...of the following living languages indigenous to the ... Asia U498 Studies in Inner Asian
Joshua Project - Peoples by Country Profiles
Ethnic Tree. Affinity Bloc: East Asian Peoples. ... Believers.
AAPA 73rd Annual Meeting Abstracts: Search Results.
...of the deletion, east Central Asian populations display ... the deletion is absent in
NATIONALITY OR RELIGION? Views of Central Asian Islam
...destroy Central Asian history, subvert their indigenous literature, exploit ... in Muslim
Yukaghir: Bibliographical guide
Indigenous Minority Languages of Russia. ... Yukaghirs (also known as the Kolyma Yukaghirs)
Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities
Gypsies) Romansh Russians Saami Sakha (Yakut) San (Bushman ... the Americas (non-US)
Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities
...and Nevis Saint Lucia Sakha (Yakut) Samoa San ... the Americas (non-US) Southeast-Asian-
Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of ... 1999 "Indigenous and
The Healing Spirits of Shamanism
A Yakut shaman’s ‘Bird-of-Prey-Mother’ plays an ... fear that sickness and death could
Asian Studies WWW Monitor
...of Academic Sinica; East Asian Library, University of ... Foreign Trade Regulations;
AnyWho: Internet Directory Assistance; Yellow Pages, White Pages ...
Culture Center of the Northern Asian First Peoples' Art ... The Indigenous Peoples of
Seveneighths.com / 7/8 Music Productions / Articles
...labels a type of style, but it also indicates the indigenous music of ... Most of the
Sambo Page
...and liberating tendencies of indigenous Slavic martial ... To Asian styles such as, JuJitsu,
Teacher of Russian Culture; School psychology; Native languages of Indigenous Peoples
Russian siberia, Russian in siberia, trans siberia, siberia ...
...located east of the Urals in Asian Russia, four ... are important economic pursuits of
Northern Indigenous peoples
08/04) - Bureau of East Asian and Pacific ... Amar Almasude in the book "Revitalizing
Koryak Historical Notes
Koryaks are an indigenous north-east Asian people living on ... Professional shamans,
Travel to Yakutsk: restaurants
...but it is quite right for indigenous people of ... restaurant offers a huge range of
Center For World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) index of ebooks
...to the Annual Meeting of the Asian Conference on ... before the UN Working Group on
Post Soviet Nationalities Collection
Yakut, YAKU, 196, Kazakh, KAZA, 2,879. ... be conducted using original sources in the
The Yakut language, or Sakha, is a Turkic language with around 363,000 speakers that is spoken in the Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation. Its speakers are known as the Yakuts.
The Sakha arrived relatively recently in their current geographical area. They are heterogeneous of Turkic and Mongoloid origin. They absorbed the hunter-gatherer tribes and after centuries of consolidation, began to call themselves "Sakha". The Evenki referred to the Sakha as "Yako" and this term was adopted by the Russians when they began arriving in the region in the early 17th century. Tygyn, a "prince" of the Khangalassky Yakuts, granted territory for Russian settlement. The Lensky Ostrog (Fort Lensky), the future city of Yakutsk, was founded by Pyotr Beketov, a Cossack, on September 25, 1632 (the date of the first stockade construction). In August of 1638, the Moscow Government formed a new administrative unit with the administrative center of Lensky Ostrog, which cemented the town's ascendancy in the territory.
Russians established agriculture in the Lena River basin. The members of religious groups who were banished to Sakha in the second half of the 19th century began to grow wheat, oats, and potatoes. The fur trade established a cash economy. Industry and transport began to develop at the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of the Soviet period. This was also the beginning of geological prospecting, mining, and local lead production. The first steam-powered ships and barges arrived.
On April 27, 1922 former "Yakolskaya land" was proclaimed the Yakut ASSR, and in 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union, it was recognized in Moscow as the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.