shan people indigenous asian studies
Shan People. Home. ... htm. Info about Shan People __ Learn about Shan religion,
asian indigenous people asia social studies
Asian Indigenous People General Resources. ... ‘Biopiracy’ increasing threat to survival
WCAR Presentation
Panel Discussion Results of the 2nd Asian Indigenous Women's Conference ... of the Palaung
WLB's Statement
In Shan State, where I come from, there are ... The Asian Development Bank (ADB)'s Outlook
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George ...
Protection; Northern Development and the Global Economy; Ethnographic Portraits
...of Taoyuan County, Kaohsiung, in the case of the Yu-Shan National Park ... 4) The Challenge
Shan At Right of self Determination Conference with Chin ...
...indigenous peoples of 10 Asian states, namely, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia,
Draft Shan charter on the stands
...of Shan empires was recorded by Asian and western ... 7.1. Shan State is a multi-ethnic
Rural and Indigenous Women SPeak Out Against Globalization
...affecting over 300,000 villagers in the Central Shan State, Burma; ... Thailand by the
1325 PeaceWomen E-News: Issue #42
2004 5. Feature Statements: Baguio Declaration of the 2nd Asian Indigenous
Joshua Project - Peoples by Country Profiles
Ethnic Tree. Affinity Bloc: Southeast Asian Peoples. ... Language. Primary Language:
Joshua Project - Peoples by Country Profiles
Original Joshua Project List: Active. Ethnic Tree. Affinity Bloc: Southeast Asian
AAS Monographs
...the Shan worldview—producing an anthropological interpretation of Shan society and
Forum News
...and Privatization; Rural and Indigenous Women Speak Out on Globalization; Human
Critical Asian Studies
Association for Asian Studies. Indigenous Peoples of Asia. ... The Shan of Burma: Memoirs
Burma asian country and culture information
...lead, and zinc deposits in the Shan Plateau, alluvial ... of the Association of
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Apparently the ancient Chinese man Shan Tao did not find ... appear in African societies
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Indigenous Peoples of Asia. ... Yawnghwe, Chao Tzang. The Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a
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...of Taoyuan County, Kaohsiung, in the case of the Yu-Shan National Park ... 4) The challenge
Michael Charney
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The Indigenous Religion and Theravada Buddhism in Ban ... all over these Sino-Southeast
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Overall Schedule of the Tenth No Nukes Asian Forum: ... We will go to Jin-Shan a small
Myanmar (Burma) bibliography
2 chapters on history and literature of the Shan States by Rev ... Central focus is the
ASIANS.COM -- Web Directory, Search Results for asian cuisine ...
Thai baskets, Burmese buddhas (Shan, Mandalay, and ... & Race Advertising African American
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ASIAN PACIFIC ADVENTURES 6065 Calvin Avenue, Tarzana, CA 91356 ... mountainous region
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...scriptures as the Chan-ch'a shan-o yeh ... or rank Buddhism with the Chinese indigenous
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Myanmar, Burman 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7 ... and Alaska Native: 2,475,956 (0.9%); Asian:
Southeast Asian Peoples' Statement on Confronting Racism, Racial ...
...have been used to promote stereotypes of Asian women as ... as in the case of the Shan - Asian Royalty - Cambodia, China, India, Japan ...
...and contemporary role of South East Asian monarchy, including ... study of relationships
Statement of Unity: Rural & Indigenous Women Against Globalization
...affecting over 300,000 villagers in the Central Shan State, Burma ... Thailand by the
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Arbor, University of Michigan Southeast Asian Studies, 2002 ... political structures,
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2 Chung-Shan N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan ... with a remarkably high frequency among Taiwan's
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t DOCUMENTS ON MYANMAR the Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (AITPN), ... by the Asian Legal Resource
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2003 In Cooperation with Asian Regional Resource ... Reconstruction, India; Mindinao
Myanmar Links
...built for and maintained by Karens, an indigenous people to the southeast Asian
Asian Report - Nov/Dec 2000
At the moment a few Shan workers have been placed ... Les, an Asian Outreach New Zealand
FWB, July 1994
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If the Sui altar shows us the most advanced indigenous Chinese Buddhist ... of the stupa
The Shan are an ethnic group of Southeast Asia. The Shan live primarily in the Shan State of Myanmar (sometimes known as Burma), and in adjacent parts of China, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The Shan number approximately 6 million, but a population census has not been taken.
The Shan dwell mostly on the plains of the Shan Plateau, which is drained by the Salween River. The capital of Shan state is Taunggyi, which is a small city of perhaps 150,000 people. Other main Shan cities include Kengtong and Tachileik.
Although it is widely accepted that Shan peoples have inhabited areas of Burma for a very long time, there are theories that the ethnic group may have originally migrated from the mountains of China's southern Yunnan province. The Shan immigrants into upper Burma were the oldest branch of the Tai ethnic group known as "Tai Long", that is "Great Tai". Later Shan immigrants to Laos and Thailand were called "Tai Noi" which means "Little Tai". (from Shan Human Rights Foundation).
The Shan are traditionally wet-rice cultivators, shopkeepers, and artisans. Most Shan are Theravada Buddhists and/or observe their traditional religion, which is related to animist practices.
The Shan language is part of the Tai languages group of the Tai-Kadai language family, and is related to Thai and Lao. The southern Shan use an alphabet based on the Burmese alphabet.
The ISO language code for Shan is SHN; the SIL code is SJN.
The Shan have been engaged in an intermittent civil war within Myanmar for decades. As Shan State is one of the largest in Burma, there are two main armed rebellion forces operating within it - the Shan State Army North and Shan State Army South. While there is currently a ceasefire agreement between the Burma Army and SSA-N, those groups still experience intermittent fighting and the SSA-S, which has yet to sign any agreements, is engaged in guerilla warfare against the Burma Army.
During conflicts, the Shan are often burned out of their villages and forced to flee into Thailand. There, they are not given refugee status, and often work as undocumented laborers. Their legal status in Thailand often leads to non-sustainable wages and unsafe work conditions.
Independence and Exiled Government
His Royal Highness Prince Hso Khan Pha (sometimes written as Surkhanpha in Thai) of Yawnghwe, lives in exile in Canada. He is campaigning for the government of Burma to respect the traditional culture and indigenous lands of the Shan people and he works with Shan exiles abroad helping to provide schooling for displaced Shan children because their parents are unable to provide this. He hopes to provide Shan children with some training in life skills so they can fend for themselves and their families in the future.
In addition to this, there has been some opinion in Shan State and in neighboring Thailand, and to some extent in farther-reaching exile communities in favor of the theme of "total independence for Shan State." This came to a head when, in May 2005, Shan elders in exile declared independence for the Federated Shan States.
The declaration of independence, however, was rejected by most other ethnic groups, many Shan residents of Burma, and Burma's leading opposition party, the National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi. Despite this fact however, the Burma Army has begun a crackdown on Shan civilians as a result of the declaration, and Shan people have reported an increase in restrictions on their movements, and increasing Burma Army raids on Shan villages.