Korean Korean asian indigenous studies korean people
Confucianism and its Influence on Korean Culture __ "If you have been in Korea for

asian indigenous people asia social studies
Asian Indigenous People General Resources. ... ‘Biopiracy’ increasing threat to survival

Asian Gospel Resources
One CAA publication is Sound the Bamboo: CCA Hymnal 2000, which contains 315

Korean Music in Global Context - Department of Asian Studies
M: Week 12-Asian Women in Music: In the indigenous cultures of Asian societies,

Korean Studies at IU
Liu (East Asian Librarian) East Asian bibliography, Chinese ... social, and political

Asian American History - Erika Lee
Organization; Kilmok - Journal of Korean American Perspectives ... Pacific Asia Council

Our results suggest that indigenous Korean foxglove is tolerant to paraquat, that

Indigenous Religious Musics edited by Karen Ralls-MacLeod & Graham ...
Celebrating the diversity of indigenous nations, cultures and religions, the essays

§ 7. Asian. 6. Names and Labels. The American Heritage Book of ...
Asian (or a more specific term such as Vietnamese, Korean, or Asian American, if

Encyclopedia: History
History: Biographies; South Asian History: Biographies; ... History: Biographies; Korean

Adolescence: Difficulties and coping strategies of Chinese ...
Understanding the experience and indigenous coping strategies of ... The sample consisted

ATIP96.101 : Korea's First Gas Turbine with Indigenous Technology
...capabilities but also improved Korean technical capabilities to ... c) 1996 by the Asian

Asian Architecture in Journal
May. 2003) / Korean) (PDF file). Indigenous East Asian Settlements (Pilwon

...demand that the safety of all the Korean NGO delegates ... Asian Indigenous Women's Network

Journal of Asian Mission
...on Appropriate Leadership Pattern for the Korean Church in ... Partnership Issues and

East Asian Languages and Cultures
Sanskrit and Central Asian Buddhist scriptures, indigenous Chinese commentaries ... state

Session 203
...monument, that of a womb mandala with an indigenous iconography and ... the most important

Abbott Wool's Market Segmentation Resource Locator
Radio Various multicultural, including Chinese, Korean, Phillippine; ... and Minority

What is the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment?
...of the official monastic curriculum of the main Korean school, the ... conceptual frameworks

AsianWeek: A&E: Grooving to a Different Beat
...“The Korean drums have ... Muslim scales� -- is the only truly indigenous, traditional

VUW - Asian Continent Info Resources
Indonesian - Japanese - Korean - Malaysia - Russian ... Scholars, alerts, asian-environment,

"Legends of Asia" 2003 Oregon Asian Celebration
...roots interwoven with Korea's indigenous cultural art ... the new teen room will feature

The origin of Korean architectural traditions may be traced back to Northeastern

Korean - Open Dictionary
Designation given to the indigenous or naturalized people occupying the Korean Peninsula

Asian Ecumenical Internet Center
The International Year of Indigenous Languages will need to ... Peace and Reunification

AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A resource of the Asia Society
Batek are a hunter-gatherer, indigenous minority people ... addressing economic issues

Korean Buddhism ... Knowledge of Asian languages not required ... Introduction and development

SOAS: SED: Has the Korean crisis challenged the East Asian model?
...economic and political legitimacy of indigenous capital was ... government failures'

Black News:Asian News:Hispanic News:Mideast News:Native News ...
Korean-American newspaper in S. California (in Korean) Critical Asian Studies -

East Asian arts -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
...by three elements: Chinese visual arts, indigenous themes and ... The several forms of

Journal of Religion and Society
1984 Churches in Contestation: Asian Christian Social ... "Centennial Sunday will Celebrate

Indigenous Feed Resources For Asian Livestock
...two main forage crops grown in Korean paddy fields ... products cannot really be regarded

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Progress Review - September ...
National Cancer Institute show that Korean stomach cancer ... both male and female Asian

Christine Yeh Publications
Indigenous and interdependent perspectives of healing ... The cultural negotiations of

Christine Yeh Conferences
Korean Immigrant Youth: Mediating Multiple Identities. ... and coping across three East

Course Requirements for Asian Studies
...and the human systems and cultures indigenous to the ... Area Studies: LS elective,

CulturedMed â„¢
Cambodian refugee use of indigenous and western healers to prevent or ... Health issues

Minority Bar Links - ABA Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity
Indian Law; Indigenous Bar Association is a Candian bar for Indian, Inuit and Métis

Yeungnam University
...artifacts and pottery, tasting indigenous Korean food, wearing ... Korean Culture that

Kegan Paul: Publishing the World
Asian Indigenous Law An Interaction with Received Law By: Chiba, Masaji (Ed ...

IAR Seminars 2003-2004
...and new indigenous constructions of Malay urbanity. Geography Building Rm. 212.

Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies
...and anti-Asian violence; Hawaiian sovereignty and indigenous peoples' rights ... Groups

Carleton University - SLALS - Undergraduate Studies - Languages
Language Studies assumes the responsibility for teaching the University's credit

Asian Americans
Keeping Faith: European and Asian Catholic Immigrants Retail ... religions, Lee demonstrates

South Asian Network's Tobacco Policy Brief
...products, there is a class of South Asian indigenous tobacco products that ... Tobacco

Joshua Project - Peoples by Country Profiles
Ethnic Tree. Affinity Bloc: East Asian Peoples. ... Language. Primary Language: Korean.

The Korean people are one of the main East Asian ethnic groups. Most Koreans live in Korea (the Korean peninsula) and speak the Korean language. They are generally believed to be of Tungusic-Altaic stock, linking them with the Japanese, Mongolians, and other Central Asians. Korea's population is highly homogenous both ethnically and linguistically, with only small minorities present in South and North Korea.

According to recent estimates, the population of ethnic Koreans worldwide is: Origins

Koreans are generally believed to be of Tungusic-Altaic lineage, linking them with the Japanese, Mongolians, and other Central Asians. The Northern Mongoloid peoples of North Asia and Central Asia, have relatively tall statures, well-defined features (such as longer noses, and higher cheekbones) and relatively hairy bodies and faces, features that are considered to define the "prototype" Mongoloid physical type. Although their physical height has slightly reduced, the Japanese, Ainu, and Koreans continue to inherit these other prototypical physical features.


Koreans in both South Korea and North Korea share many cultural aspects, but the political distinctions between the two countries result in regional differences in culture between the North and South.

There are around 71 million speakers of the Korean language worldwide.

Koreans in the United States

More than 2 million ethnic Koreans live in the U.S., mostly in metropolitan areas. A handful are descended from laborers who migrated to Hawaii in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A significant number are or are descended from orphans of the Korean War, in which the U.S. was a major ally of South Korea. Thousands were adopted by American (mostly Caucasian) families in the years following the war, when their plight was covered on television. The vast majority, however, immigrated or are descended from those who immigrated after the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 abolished national immigration quotas.

The largest Korean-American community is in Los Angeles, California; Los Angeles' Koreatown district is extensive and recognized by the city. Many smaller Korean enclaves exist in surrounding communities of Southern California, notably in Orange County. Another significant Korean enclave is found in New York City, which includes a Manhattan Koreatown, although the main concentration are found in Queens.

Other Korean enclaves can be found in Fairfax County, Virginia; Bergen County, New Jersey; and Cook County, Illinois. As many Korean Americans have prospered economically and dispersed to live in suburban areas, ethnic enclaves in the traditional sense do not exist in many areas, although Korean churches and Korean-oriented commercial districts serving the distributed population can often be found.

Koreans in the former Soviet Union

Approximately 450,000 ethnic Koreans reside in the former USSR, primarily in the newly independent states of Central Asia. There are also large Korean communities in southern Russia (around Volgograd), the Caucasus, and southern Ukraine. These communities can be traced back to the Koreans who were living in the Russian Far East. In 1937, Stalin deported approximately 200,000 ethnic Koreans to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, on the official premise that the Koreans might act as spies for Japan. There is also a separate ethnic Korean community in the Russian island of Sakhalin, where Koreans brought/kidnapped by Japanese as labourers to the island and were stranded after the island came into Soviet hands after World War II.

Probably as a consequence of these ethnic ties, South Korea was the second import partner of Uzbekistan, after Russia, and one of its largest foreign investors. The car manufacturer Daewoo set up a joint venture (August 1992) and a factory in Asaka city, Andizhan province, in Uzbekistan.

Koreans in China

Koreans form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China. It is considered one of the "major minorities".

They mostly occupy the north of China, especially in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province, where they numbered 854,000 in 1997 Korean