african indigenous anthropology fon people
Home. Africa, African Anthropology - General Resources. ... Beembe Bembe Berber Bidyogo
...are now beginning to respond to the gospel. . . . African Indigenous Churches
20.1% Catholic 1.5% Evangelical 2.5% African Indigenous Churches. ... and 60,000 in African
Benin, French (official), Fon and Yoruba (most ... Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, other indigenous Interview: Voodoo-Dispelling the Myths
...the Ewe of Togo, (of whom the Fon are a ... that it was developed in Haiti when African
Hoodoo: An Ancient African & Afro-diaspora Tradition practiced by the powerful Ewe/Fon Gbo/Gbokonans ... and impressive body of herbs
Common Misconceptions About Vodoun - A Faq
...from the Mina, Ewe, Fon, Gwa, Tchamba, Adja, Yoruba, Nago, Goun ... Christian evangelicals),
...same for the initiate) to some sections of the lay Yoruba society and AMEGA (AME_AXO)
The Languages and Writing Systems of Africa SW Nigeria, French and Fon, Latin, Fon. ... Central African Republic (Republique
UCTP Excerpt: Maroons: Rebel Slaves in the Americas by Richard ...
...mingled in mountain hideaways with indigenous Taino people ... Many Vodou objects reflect By Location
Ethnic groups: African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba,
Map & Graph: Countries by People: Ethnic groups
54. Malaysia, Malay and other indigenous 58%, Chinese 24%, Indian 8%, others 10 ... Benin,
Map & Graph: Africa:Countries by Language: Languages
Benin, French (official), Fon and Yoruba (most ... Portuguese (official), Bantu and other
Ethnicity and Race by Countries
Benin, African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba, Bariba),
African Religions: An Interpretation
...who conquers or displaces the indigenous population who ... Among the Yoruba, Igbo, Fon,
African and Afro-Caribbean Religions in the United States witchcraft, and, above all, in indigenous leadership ... to such groups as the Yoruba,
SIM Country Profile: Mauritius
...missionary visas hard to obtain. Hindu: 50.3%; Christian: 32.7%: Roman Catholic:
SIM Country Profile: Zambia
Traditional Animist: 23%; Muslim: 1%; African indigenous: 8%; Atheist/non-
Enduring Rhythms- African Musical Instruments and the Americas
...during the colonial period, blends several African components, particularly from
Benin, country, Africa. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. ...
...language; Fon, Yoruba, and other indigenous tongues are ... local people, thus forming
Ethnic groups. The World Factbook. 2003
Benin, African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba
african art, real antiques shop, gifts. Discuss tribes, masks ...
...yoruba, baule, statues, madagascar, ife, benin, fon, ethno, ethnics ... read and see
African tribes
Lagoon Regions: Ebrie Attye Fon. ... The ndako gboya appears to be indigenous; a spirit | countryinfo | benin | people
Ethnic groups: African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba,
CIA - The World Factbook -- Field Listing - Ethnic groups
Benin, African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba ... Lhotsampas -
Will Roscoe -- Boy Wives and Female Husbands
...court eunuch; gaglgo, homo-sexuality -Dahomey (Fon). ... here for some fifty African
Ethnicity/race: African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba,
Ethnic Groups of the World
Benin: African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba ... Bhutan:
“THE PATH IS OPEN� The Herskovits Legacy. In African Narrative ...
...suggested the following classification of Fon narratives, which ... even among specialists
Science Fair Projects - Benin
...became part of the French West Africa colony, still ... in Benin, the largest being the
Africa Direct-Ethnographic art, trade beads, masks, carvings ...
Fang People. Gabon, Central African Republic, Cameroon. Wood, white and red pigment.
Africa Direct-Ethnographic art, trade beads, masks, carvings ...
...the back top as well as an indigenous repair visible ... Fon Vodun bocio carved
Encyclopedia of African History
...of Aja-Speaking Peoples: Aja, Fon, Ewe, 17th ... History of Religion, Indigenous Beliefs:
Encyclopedia of African History
...of Aja-Speaking Peoples: Aja, Fon, Ewe, 17th ... in the Fifteenth Century Religion:
TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents
Ethnic groups: African 99% (42 ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja, Yoruba,
Exploring Africa -> Teachers -> Curriculum-> Background and ... the context of “vudo� among the Fon of Togo ... In the context of South Africa, the
Friends of Nigeria Newsletter Selections, Fall 1997
United States, are busy recording indigenous knowledge systems ... inspired lively highlife
Pearls of Wisdom: Introduction
Among the Fon tales, How Chameleon Became a Teacher is ... Puerto Rico, where many people
BBC - h2g2 - An Introduction to Vodou - a Traditional African ...
The word Vodou appears to derive from the Fon word for 'spirit ... smear-campaign since
Bibliography on African Traditional Religion
Argyle WJ, The Fon of Benin, Oxford, 1966. ... "Human rights in African indigenous
On Language And Development In Africa: The Case of Ghana
...mostly by Ewe within Ghana but there are others such as Fon, Aja and ... Indigenous African
Benin -> Land and People on 2002
French is the country's official language; Fon, Yoruba, and other indigenous tongues
SIRIS Image Gallery
Fang Pahuin Fang Pahuin, Fon Dahomean Fon Dahomean. ... Bayombe, Yoruba (African People)
The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society
...and other Gbe language speakers like the Fon in Benin ... The fact that the indigenous
The Official Home Page of the Republic of Sénégal
Research in African Literature--The Path is Open
...a Fon living tradition of literary criticism, was beyond their epistemic horizon.
(In)Visibility and Duality of the Civil Rights and Yoruba ...
Damballa Hwedo is a Fon/Yoruban deity that traveled to the New ... the continuity and
BookNotes for Africa: Current Index
Conciliarism and the African Indigenous Churches, 1815-1987. ... 10.17 Grebe, Karl and
Fon is a major West African ethnic and linguistic group in the country of Benin or Dahomey, and southwest Nigeria, made up of more than 2,000,000 people. The Fon language is the main language spoken in Southern Benin, and is a member of the Gbe language group. Closely related cultures include the Ewe, Aja and Guin peoples. The Fon are said to originate from Tado, a village in south east Togo, near the border with Benin.
The culture is patrilineal and allows polygamy and divorce. Funerals (and anniversaries of deaths) are among the most important cultural events, with mourning activites including drumming and dancing often lasting for days. The Fon believe that part of the person dies and part is reincarnated.
Most Fon today live in villages and small towns in mud houses with corrugated iron gable roofs. Cities built by the Fon include Abomey, the historical capital city of Dahomey, and Ouidah. These cities were major commercial centres for the slave trade.
Fon religion
While many Fon identify as Christian, the majority practice Benin's national religion Vodun. The Fon name for a god or spirit is "Vodu". Practise can involve drumming to induce possession by one of these gods or spirits. Fon religion is polytheistic, with a supreme (but not omnipotent) deity known as Nana Buluku.
Fon influence in the New World
Many descendents of the Fon now live in the Americas as a result of the Atlantic slave trade. Together with other cultural groups from the Fon homeland region such as the Yoruba and Bantu, Fon culture merged with French, Portuguese or Spanish to produce distinct religions (Voodoo, Candomblé and Santería), dance and musicial styles (Arará, Yan Valu).