Bay Area Tropical Forest Network

BATFN is an informal social network in the Bay Area broadly interested in tropical forest conservation and ecology. We plan to gather monthly, typically for a happy hour beverage in the Peninsula area. Our goal is to foster peer-to-peer networking in a relaxed atmosphere where ideas, data, and collaboration flow freely! This is a great opportunity to connect with media, scientists, economists, foundations, activists, artists and many others thinking about these issues.

Next meeting

When: November 12, 2009
Time: 6-9 pm
Where: Ray's on Stanford campus
Address: 750 Escondido Road, (650) 724-7851

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Presentations: Tropical forest news highlights for June 2009


  • BATFN 1 (June): Stanford University [~25]
  • BATFN 2 (July 09): Stanford University [~25]
  • BATFN 3 (Aug 09): California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco [~20]
  • BATFN 4 (Sept 09): University of California, Berkeley [~25]
  • BATFN 5 (Oct 09): University of California, Berkeley [~25]

    The idea for BATFN emerged somewhere between the Stanford campus and nearby walking trails, as Holly Gibbs and Rhett Butler discussed ideas to strengthen the tropical forest community in the Bay Area. Both Rhett and Holly saw a huge potential for community-building around a critical research and communication area.

    BATFN has been a great success from the start owing to the strong and sociable community surrounding us.

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