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Hungary Index

Compared with the other countries in the Warsaw Pact, in the late 1980s Hungary had the smallest army and air force, as well as the fewest artillery pieces, light armored vehicles, and antiaircraft weapons. It ranked last, along with Bulgaria and Romania, in the number of military helicopters, and only Romania had fewer tanks. In addition to lagging behind its Warsaw Pact allies quantitatively, the quality of its military equipment was decidedly "middle level," according to Volgyes. As of mid-1988, the military did not possess modern Soviet T-84 tanks, MiG-29 fighter aircraft, or the new Soviet 5.48mm infantry weapons. Western analysts have claimed that the Hungarian military forces had the lowest combat readiness in the Warsaw Pact and were one of the non-Soviet Warsaw Pact military forces least trusted by Moscow. The HPA's military construction branch was the only section of the armed forces held in high regard by all observors. Of approximately 100,000 personnel on active duty in the HPA in 1988, about 64,000 were conscripts. During a national emergency, Hungary could mobilize about 900,000 trained men.

Data as of September 1989

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